Ascension Day march planned in Durban ‘to lift Jesus higher’

By Gerda Potgieter

Christians in the Durban area are invited to celebrate Ascension Day on Thursday May 18 by joining a march in the city centre.

The Phakamisa uJesu (Lift Jesus higher) march will take place from 11am to 1pm, starting at King Dinizulu Park and proceeding along Dr Pixley Kaseme St (West) to the City Hall, say the organisers, KwaSizabantu Mission.

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The march was inspired by a message by KwaSizabantu founder Rev Erlo Stegen at the mission’s recent 40th Ministers’ Conference which was attended by Christian leaders from across Africa and around the world. Stegen challenged attendees to take action on Jesus’s commission to all believers to make disciples.

Ascension Day is no longer a public holiday in SA but the march organisers say: “We encourage everyone to let their voices be heard as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ. South Africa will then know that Christians exist, exercise their freedom to practice their faith and work together, united in Christ. Away from division – unity in Christ is our strength.”

For more information about the event, email:, send a message via WhatsApp to +27 725 833 496, or visit the website:

“No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.” — John 3:13

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