Attempt great things for God — Angus Buchan

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice]

Angus B

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Two history-making events in April: It’s Time national prayer day, and Karoo Mighty Men

As I write this article, I must be blatantly honest, I only have one thing on my mind and that is April 22.

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It is a God event and it’s going to be the biggest thing we’ve ever attempted, and God is going to get all the glory. You must understand one thing, six weeks ago I had my preaching plan fully worked out from January through to December. I cancelled all my overseas trips last year not knowing why. Then all of a sudden one morning while sitting quietly in my booth (Succoth) a tsunami hit me like I have never experienced before. I was sent a small clip by a farmer who said “call us and we will come.” After that, heaven broke loose. God gave me two words: “1 million people and It’s Time.” Every other appointment had to be moved around in order to fit in this God event. I would encourage you, my dear friend that “a good idea is not always a God idea and a need does not always justify a call.”

A good idea is not always a God idea and a need does not always justify a call.

God’s idea
I think many events that I have organised in my early days as a new believer were all good ideas, but they weren’t necessarily a God idea. Sometimes you have to work so hard in order to achieve so little. Well in this case, it has been the exact opposite, because we are evangelists at Shalom ministries, we know how to organise events. I can honestly tell you, I’ve done hardly any of the advertising whatsoever, because God has done it. And with the eruption in Parliament and the absolute chaos taking place within the ruling parties, it has just made more advertising available for the meeting which is taking place.

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Literally the whole Nation is speaking about it. When I go to the airport, people are only talking to me about April 22, where the largest prayer meeting in the continent of Africa and maybe the world is going to take place. Bearing in mind that this is not an evangelistic outreach, or a Gospel concert; it is a prayer meeting and we are going to implement the scripture, which we are all familiar with: 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV), if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now we will see the reality of this verse taking place and how God will heal our land.

On April 22, we are believing that God will manifests Himself and we don’t know how, but we know He will be there. We are believing for over a million people coming together in one place and I don’t even know if I will be able to stand up on that day, because of the power of God.

We are believing that God will manifests Himself and we don’t know how, but we know He will be there.

If I relate this meeting to Exodus, when God took over a million of His people out of slavery in Egypt, and they gathered around the base of Mount Sinai, a cloud came down on that day and I believe we will experience something very similar. It is going to be an amazing day and truly the greatest event that I have ever experienced in all my years of preaching. I would really encourage every single one of you to make an effort to be there.

Then a few days later we are having a massive Mighty Men Conference in the Karoo, on Jannie Moolman’s farm and I cannot wait to be there as well. It is going to be a combination of what is taking place in Bloemfontein and you cannot afford to miss these two appointments. They are going to be history making events and our children’s children will be talking about them in the years to come.

Expect great things from God
William Carey who took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to India under tremendous and severe trials once said: “You must attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.” He did not back off and he did not go back to England. He eventually translated the Bible into Sanskrit and many other difficult Indian languages. As a result, today there are millions of people in India who love Jesus Christ because of one man’s faith. William Carey surely did attempt great things for God and he expected great things from God, and he received great things from God.

“You must attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.” — William Carey

How much are you expecting God to do in this beloved Nation of ours? I want to say to you, my dear friend, and I speak from my heart, if God does not intervene in this country there is no future for this Nation.

But the good news is, He’s going to visit us on April 22. We are going to experience nothing short of a Holy Spirit revival in our Nation thereafter. I would encourage you to get into the Word, start believing the scriptures that the Lord has written for our benefit, speak to like-minded people, keep away from negative folks, and make every effort to be there on that day.

We live in such exciting times. My older son visited me a couple of days ago and he said: “Dad, what an amazing time to be born in!” And I couldn’t agree with him more. We could have missed it by 50 years, or maybe a hundred years, but we haven’t. God has been gracious to us and spared us for a time such as this. (Esther 4:14)

So, may God bless you as you continue to live for Him and to believe for the impossible. Genesis 18:14 (NKJV), Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Angus Buchan


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