Author: Andre Viljoen

UK Church leaders urge Keir Starmer not to criminalise ‘normal Christian teaching’ in conversion therapy ban

Originally published in Premier Christian News A group of church leaders have said that the Prime Minister’s proposed conversion therapy laws could threaten to criminalise some Christian practices. In a letter representing more than 1 300 churches, the group warned that Sir Keir Starmer’s plans for a “full trans-inclusive ban” on conversion […]

SA Christian leaders invited to consultation to mobilise nation to bless ‘miracle’ outcome of elections

“The Church must teach South Africa God’s Kingdom culture of love, peace, racial integration, and forgiveness. A teaching priesthood (apostolic and prophetic) must take responsibility for instructing South Africans in the ways of the Almighty God” Extract from invitation to national consultation on blessing SA and GNU South African Christians […]

Intel boss and You Version founder joining quest for redemptive AI solutions

Gloo, the leading technology platform dedicated to connecting the faith ecosystem and releasing its collective might, announced its second annual AI & the Church Hackathon from September 13 to15 in Boulder, Colorado. The event is aimed at rapidly advancing artificial intelligence-based technology to help people flourish and organisations thrive. Gloo will award over $250 […]