Along with the many stories of terrible suffering experienced by the Jewish people during World War II, a largely unknown testimony of God’s amazing grace emerged from the very place where justice was carried out upon some of the Holocaust’s leading perpetrators. A paean of praise to the limitless mercy […]
Author: Charles Gardner
When silence is evil: time to stand up against antisemitism — Charles Gardner
By Charles Gardner, UK Correspondent I guess many people are breathing a sigh of relief now that the White House has closed its doors on Mr Trump. They think it’s all over. But my message to them is: “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” So, fasten your seat-belts, for you are […]
History lesson for dictators — Charles Gardner
If I had lived during the centuries leading up to the coming of Christ and been given a glimpse of the 21st century world, I might well have been filled with a sense of déjà vu. The people of that time had witnessed the great expansion of empires – the […]
‘Star of Bethlehem’ showing up just before Christmas — Charles Gardner
Is this astronomical event a sign of the Second Coming? By UK Correspondent, Charles Gardner Hold onto your seats! The “Star of Bethlehem” will appear in the sky just before Christmas, according to astronomers1. No, this is not some sort of aerial nativity show or seasonal greeting – it’s the […]
San Remo resolution webinar clarifies Israel’s legality — Charles Gardner
The controversial subject of Israel, with its political and spiritual significance for the nations and for Christians in particular, was aired in a most helpful way through an online webinar on Sunday night. Hundreds of people from all over the United Kingdom took part in a marvellously interactive discussion triggered […]
Repairing the ruins — Charles Gardner
Saving the planet? It’s God’s house that needs rebuilding By UK Correspondent, Charles Gardner Partly to deflect attention from an increasingly perplexing Covid crisis, Boris Johnson no doubt hoped to inject a breath of fresh air with extravagant promises of wind power. Within 10 years, every home will be energised […]
The beast is released — Charles Gardner
Elijah contest with Baal prophets now on a global scale By UK Correspondent, Charles Gardner The crisis over President Trump’s Covid diagnosis serves to highlight the growing divergence between God-fearers and those in rebellion against their Creator. I even heard in my spirit, ‘the Beast has been released’, but I […]
A call for courage — Charles Gardner
We are surrounded by ‘a great cloud of witnesses’ (Heb 12.1) As Christians fight battles on several fronts – not only with Covid, but from increasing attempts to shut down their voice – courage is the great need of the hour. There can surely be few better examples of this […]
Biblical Ezra find echoed in treaty rediscovery which exposes lie that Jews stole land — Charles Gardner
The modern state of Israel has come to accept accusations of wickedness and opposition to building as a way of life. Basically, nothing has changed since the days of Ezra nearly 2 500 years ago. Just as now, with unlikely allies such as the United Arab Emirates, ancient Israel had […]
Jesus is Jewish — Charles Gardner
By Charles Gardner — UK Correspondent Amidst all the talk about the ethnicity of Jesus – whether black, white or somewhere in between – many choose to ignore the fact that He is Jewish. The debate around our Lord’s skin colour, arising out of the Black Lives Matter protests, has […]