Author: Hugh G Wetmore

God’s comprehensive purpose for His Church: make disciples — Hugh Wetmore

Is it possible to sing worship songs to God that actually are songs that worship money? “No” says Jesus. You cannot worship God and money. Yet the motivation behind publishers’ surveys asking us to name the most popular worship songs is this: “If we publish the popular worship songs, we […]

Hymns and contemporary worship songs: principles and preferences (3 out of 3) — Hugh Wetmore

It is dangerous to allow our musical preferences to divide the Church. We disobey Jesus when we allow our preferences to erode the unity for which Jesus prayed. All believers, young and old, white and black, are one in Christ. Worship together. Sing together. Serve together. Witness together. Because this […]

Are you alright with copyright?

In the normal world, when the COVID-19 lockdown is over, churches will once again gather for worship services just like in old times. Aren’t we looking forward to that? Especially to the joy and edification of singing together. This present lockdown gives pastors, song-leaders and church administrators an opportunity to […]

Hymns and contemporary worship songs: principles & preferences (2 of 3) — Hugh Wetmore

With the changing musical cultures, the Church of Jesus Christ is in danger of dividing along generational lines. The natural driving force is the people’s preference for the kind of song they like. If they don’t like another style of singing, they avoid it. People’s preference prevails. But what about […]

Hymns and contemporary worship songs: principles & preferences (1 of 3) – Hugh Wetmore

In the 1970s, when the new wave of “praise and worship songs” swept through the churches, there were people who liked them and people who disliked them. “Worship wars” divided congregations. Usually, the older generation wanted to retain hymns, while the younger generation was eager to embrace the new contemporary […]

Worship and coronavirus – Hugh Wetmore

Hugh Wetmore is a songwriter and student of worship trends. He invites you to join the worship conversation by commenting on his monthly column. Many Christians, unable to congregate for worship after the government banned meetings of over 100 people, have joined thousands who are congregating in shopping malls. That’s […]