Aviation ministry flight results in medical and miracle blessings

Volunteer ophthalmologist Dr Taryn McAllister (left) operating on a patient at Donald Fraser Hospital, Limpopo during a recent medical mission outreach.

Exhausted nurses at a hospital in northern Limpopo were amazed when a ministry team unexpectedly walked into their crisis meeting and offered to pray for them — resulting in uplifted spirits and two instant healings.

The incident was part of a day of medical and miracle blessing at the Donald Fraser Hospital in Vhembe District as a team of three medical professionals and two pastors were flown to the site by Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

“The 900km roundtrip from Lanseria Airport on November 15 payed off as Dr Taryn McAllister,  Dr Jenny Laithwaite, our new volunteer ophthalmologist, along with Sister Connie and the nursing staff at DFH were able to perform 15 cataract eye surgeries,” says Esther Tredoux, MAF marketing co-ordinator.

Pastor Grant Flaum from Central Parks City Church, Randburg and Ryan Christie, a member of his congregation also went along on the flight to minister to the patients at the hospital. 

File picture from a previous Mission Aviation cataract surgery mission at Donald Fraser Hospital, Limpopo. (PHOTO: Flyingforlife.co.za)
File picture from a previous Mission Aviation cataract surgery mission at Donald Fraser Hospital, Limpopo. (PHOTO: Flyingforlife.co.za)

On the day the nurses in the paediatric ward who were suffering from exhaustion were having a meeting about related internal issues. Meanwhile Pastor Grant, Ryan and  MAF project manager, Thendo Dama, made their way around the hospital looking for ministry opportunities. When they entered the paediatric ward they asked the nurses if they could pray for them.

“The nurses were shocked that without asking God, He had answered their prayers so quickly. The team prayed for the nurses and then consulted with each nurse individually to help bring clarification to the situation they were facing. Two nurses were suffering from physical ailments; one nurse had problems with her knee and another had problems with her hip. They were prayed for and were immediately healed,” says Tredoux.

She says that while in the paediatric ward the team noticed a 6-year-old boy in isolation who had the build of a 4-year-old. They were informed that the boy had respiratory disease and was kept apart from other patients to prevent further infection. The team prayed for the boy and he accepted Christ as his Saviour.

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The team also prayed for many HIV patients who hadn’t come to terms with the fact that they were infected by the virus and who are now looking towards taking medication and living healthy lives as a result of hearing the Word of God. 

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