Awakening the Church in the midst of the global crisis — Linda Gobodo


Apostle Linda Gobodo of Vuka Africa Foundation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light” and there was light — Genesis 1:1-3

The current global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic brings the Scripture above to mind. There is chaos and darkness on the face of the earth and the Holy Spirit once again is hovering over the earth waiting for a word to come from the Bride of Christ. I feel as if there is a sound that heaven is waiting for, a sound that will cause God Almighty to stop this evil.

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In the days of Elijah when the nation was not sure who to serve, whether the Lord God or Baal, there arose a Prophet by the name of Elijah. He was tired of watching the people of Israel faltering between two opinions as to whom they would serve. He then declared to the King of Israel at the time that there would be no dew or rain in those years except at his word — and there was no rain for three and a half years.

The moment Elijah declared those words, he received a word from the Lord giving him direction on where to go. And throughout the time of drought the Lord took care of him.

The Lord was watching the confusion and gloom that was upon the people of Israel because of bad leadership but was waiting for His people who are called by His name to speak to that situation. The moment Elijah spoke the Word the Lord wanted to hear, God established it for him.

The Bible says Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain for those years and it did not rain, And he prayed again and Heaven gave rain.(1Kings 17:1; James 5:17,18)

It is clear to many of us in the Church that there are individuals and groups who are exploiting the pandemic crisis to promote agendas that are hostile to Christianity. Likewise, we see that some are attempting to impose their schemes globally and that part of their agenda is to silence the Church and any voice that would oppose them.

As the Church, we know that the current Hebrew year 5780, according to the sacred calendar, is the year of the mouth, meaning it is the year to use our creative nature to speak things into being like our Father God, who spoke and things were created. We are made in the image and likeness of God, we have His creative nature. There is a Word the Lord is waiting to hear from us and the time for that word to be released is now. When that word is released Heaven will move.

Covid-19 has caused people to wear masks and one cannot help but see through the agenda of the enemy, which is to shut the mouth that is supposed to speak the word that the Lord is waiting to hear from the earth. The year 2020, according to the Gregorian calendar, is the year of redemption, recovery, restoration, restitution and repatriation — and the Church is silenced, gripped by fear of death, confused, mocked, humiliated, stripped of Her dignity and has lost Her identity.

Suddenly the Church that has been preaching about the power of the Lord Jesus Christ for over 2 000 years was paralysed by the words of the media and by mankind, some of whom are part of this agenda being pushed by sworn enemies of the Church.

This virus has been able to bring the world to its knees, destroying lives, families, economies of nations and threatening to disrupt the destinies of people and nations.

All this is happening while the Church, which is aware of the plans of darkness has been masked and unable to talk. Even now, after over two months of lockdown the Church appears unready to speak out against the evil plans being spread across the earth. She is still not ready to rise up and to exercise the power, the dominion, the authority that Jesus Christ gave Her against all demons, to cure diseases, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1,2)

This power was freely given to Her over 2 000 years ago. Not only that, but the Lord also gave Her the Holy Spirit and has released innumerable hosts of angels to help Her in this fierce war of God’s presence and power.

The Lord delegated all that was given to Him by the Father in Heaven, which was dominion, the glory and the Kingdom, to all who would believe in Him through the words of the First-Century apostles.

The Son of Man was given dominion so that all peoples, nations and languages should serve Him. He delegated His dominion and His glory to believers so that there might be unity in the Church.

He gave them the Kingdom so that even in times of shaking, like now, they would remain standing and would continue to carry out the commission He gave to them — to disciple the nations. (Daniel 7:13,14; John 17:22)

We see in what is happening in America that if Covid-19 does not succeed in bringing complete destruction, then the enemy will bring chaos through racial wars and police brutality or one thing or another.

This spiritual war is all about the plan of enemies of God to rule on earth through wicked schemes in the health, economic, governmental and other spheres.

Church wake up
It is time for the Church to wake up to know who She is and to take Her authority and confront this evil agenda head-on.

On the day of Pentecost the Spirit was poured out from on high — the Spirit of prayer and the Word to restore the house of the Lord and to rebirth the Church as a house of prayer for all Nations. The Spirit was poured out to bring back the order and the pattern of the house of the Lord to fulfil the Word of the Lord that “on this rock He will build His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her”.

Jesus gave to the church the keys of the Kingdom; this is the time for Her to use the keys She was given to bind and to loose with confidence, knowing that She has the backing of Heaven, that whatever She binds on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever she looses will be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19)

When the Lord entered Jerusalem before going to the cross, His first stop was the temple to cleanse it and to put it in order. He drove out the money changers and those who sold doves and declared that His house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations according to the prophecy of Isaiah. (Isaiah 56:7)

When the Body of Christ becomes tired of being manipulated through witchcraft, the Lord will break the yoke from Her neck and will burst Her bonds. Foreigners shall no more enslave Her but She shall serve the Lord Her God fully and freely and the leader, whom God has raised up for Her. (paraphrase of Jeremiah 30:8,9)

This Covid-19 must leave in the same way it came. The devil must not even try to bring the chaos and the confusion he is bringing in the nations through Covid-19 to Africa. The Lord has spared Africa from the worst of this pandemic. None of the plans of wickedness will work here.

The demonic weapon of racial division will not work here either because everybody who is born in Africa is an African. Africa is one nation; Africans are one people, irrespective of colour, culture or creed.

What is required at this point is to have a different conversation with those who are working hard to push an anti-Christ agenda and to gain control of the wealth of nations. That conversation needs to be about restoration, restitution, and repatriation.

As far as Africans are concerned, there are people who must give back everything they have stolen from Africa, whether it be through colonisation, exploitation or even having a hand in wars and diseases that have ravaged the continent.

It is time for Africa to be restored and rebuilt, and therefore a time to restore back the wealth of Africa


  1. I would like to review your news letters. You writing has great insight from God.

  2. Wallace Mgoqi

    Wow Ma Mthembu what a powerful message.! This is from Heaven,s throneroom.Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying at this time.It is indeed time for the processes of repentance, restitution, forgiveness and reconciliation to take place.The devil is a liar in creating confusion, we are not to fall for it , but focus our eyes on Him who dared the Cross for the salvation of humanity! CHRIST JESUS!

  3. Thank you mama, indeed The Lord is our present help in the time of trouble, He will never leave nor forsake us, no weapon formed against us shall ever ever prosper, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you for the Deborah Spirit within you who led the army and took Israelites after 20 years out of captivity. The Kingdom of God is at hand,let us take it by force.S.A,Africa is delivered, is free, is back to God. Amen

  4. Cordelia Chauke

    Thank you mam for the message, may the Almighty increase the oil on you and raise many Elishas who will run along with you and the whole of Africa. May the Lord awaken us all to reclaim Africa’s inheritance in the Lord IJN.

  5. We bless God Apostle for raising leaders during this time of leadership vacuum in the world, people who speak the mind of God without favor or prejudice.

  6. Andrew Maqubela

    Shalom aleichem apostle of the Lord, we thank God for the awakening message of the identity and the authority of the church.
    The foundations of the church which were laid by the first apostle have been removed, there are so many atrocities that have been commited by people who are running their agendas in the name of Jesus Christ, we thank God for people like you. The at the moment is not visible because of the domination of the counterfeit, there are many wormwood stars that have fallen and spoiled the waters in our church, the church is in complete error, there is a false five fold ministers and the false prophets are louder than the true prophets. May God bless you.

  7. When are we going to stop speaking against the body of Christ declaring the church is asleep? You and I are the church!!! Are you sleeping? I am not!!! It is not time for the church to wake up. It is time for the church to get rid of the paralysis that fear caused, because of faithlessness.

    • Mamello Makotoane

      Deline…, you and I individually are members of the body but we are not the body in ourselves as the body has many members. I believe this is a great misconception that has beguiled many, to wit, individual members forgetting that they are not in themselves the body of Christ. This is the time for a great awekening! It is the time for us to come to the unity of the faith. I am neither prophetic nor apostolic but I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit that this is the time for the church to awaken. Indeed, this is a time that brought the world to its knees but was it to be so for the bride as well? I believe not! This is not the time to tiptoe around issues. The whole world has been weighed on a scale and found wanting! The church was and remains gagged! While principalities, powers and rulers of darkness curse(d) our Lord and His bride. And this is a fact! We cannot continue to have a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof. Blessed are we, when you and I and many others as individuals are awake BUT this is the time for the body to arise and come out of obscurity. I receive the warning of the sounding of the trumpet. AMEN LET THE CHURCH ARISE!

  8. Wow.I am lamenting in Spirit. You said it all without living anything. Let there be light out of these darkness.Sho!!!Servant of God hold on to the cross you are holding on as you march to Zion the beautiful city of God.Thanks and thanks.Bd blessed

  9. Ashley Cloete

    I like the sentence ‘That conversation needs to be about restoration, restitution, and repatriation.’

    I have heard many R’s over the years in this context, including such as Remorse, Repentance, Reconciliation and Revival.

    I like to see repatriation added to the list. The word got a negative connotation because when we refer to people who are being repatriated, we think of them being deported, sent back to their home countries against their will.

    The root meaning of repatriation in biblical context could be translated as back to the (land of ) the Father. How appropriate today… Father’s Day!

    Thank you Vuka Afrika for leading the way to get our country and continent back to basics, back to the Father.

  10. Dikeledi Regina Ntsoane

    Wow !Woman of God.We are so blessed, to have you.Indeed we were kept so busy with the word of God during the 50 days of praying and meditation.We are more the victors ,the COVID 19 stats is far much lesser.The word of God is indeed alive and active, sharper than any double_ edged sword Hebrew 4 v 12.We were really kept on our kneees.

  11. Excellent and brings clarity. Glory to God

  12. Thanks so very much Apostle, your forthright boldness awakens the Body of Christ to His promises in the Scriptures. Can the ekklesia of the Lord be defeated in this battle, except if our hearts are fearful? He who made a Way through the Red Sea and caused the walls of Jericho cannot be defeated, the Man of war, except if His armies are cowering before the enemy! I repent in dust and ashes(Job 42:2-6)

  13. Cheryl Charles

    Amen to that Apostle Linda, indeed the church is asleep…most Christians are not aware of what is happening in the spiritual realm. Ephesians 5:14-18 and Romans 13:11-14 admonishes us to “Awake… and awake out of sleep…” The parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 lets us know that 50% of the church are not prepared for these time because it is not being preached from the pulpit!!

    Thank you for sounding the shofar to raise the alarm and wake the church up…indeed we are in the kingdom for such a time as this. May the Lord join us together in unity [Psalm 133] as we sound the alarm.

  14. Thanks Apostle Linda for this powerful revelation. Amen

  15. Leigh Evertse

    Amen sister, preach preacher, preach. We as a nation have had enough of the racial agendas, land grab agendas, farm murder agendas, corruption agendas, greed, covid agendas… we are one nation under GOD. Thank you for being bold to to say so. We decree JESUS is LORD of South Africa and Africa and in HIM we are all One. Ekklesia arise and shine, for your Light is come and the Glory of the LORD is risen upon you South Africa and Africa.

  16. Servant of God, your message challenges me.Thanks.God bless

  17. Praise God as the body of Christ will be vilgent and will rise up in spirit and in truth, the blood of Jesus will speak for us and fight for us, we will not be defected but this is the time that we will give birth and trivail and stand out for The Lord Jesus Christ

  18. Zukiswa Mvinjelwa - Maqina

    God is good all the time and His promises are guaranteed. It’s so comforting to know that even in the 21st century, God still speaks to His people as He did in the time of Noah them. We are blessed, and praise God that in our mist we have people that are true messengers of God (Not false Prophets) Who stand for the truth.
    Blessed are all who fear the Lord who walk in obedience to Him (Psalm 128:1)

  19. Thank you Mama Linda.
    This is a wake up call.
    God bless and keep you strong in your spirit.

  20. May GOD continue to use you mummy. Africa you have been spared from COVID19!!!

  21. Chwayita Sipoko

    Thanks mama, for this beautiful message. It has uplifted my spirit nd I feel very stronger now.

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