Be faithful with the little….and the seeds will grow

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. Reflections on week 8 of a 10 weeks teaching stint.[/notice]

“Get wisdom, get understanding…do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you, love her and she will look after you…” –– Proverbs 4:5-6

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With two weeks to go until my teaching practice is over, I’m starting to feel really bad about leaving these children behind. I am obsessing about whether they are ready for their assessment tasks next week and wondering what the rest of their year will be like once I’m gone. I’m getting quite broody about seeing their progress and reminiscing on all the weeks I’ve spent there so far.

Inspiring places
As I walked around the playground at break time today with my colleague I looked around at all the children running around and the teachers watching over them and thought what inspiring places schools are. Children come into the system unable to read or write and hopefully when they leave they’ve been equipped with knowledge that will stand them in good stead throughout their lives (and high school too). This week I read Proverbs 4 and Proverbs 5:1 to my learners as one of my last pushes to get through to them before I bid them farewell. It did not resonate with them when I read it, but I hope the words stay with them. I believe the Lord that the seed has been planted in their hearts.

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Last weekend I attended the ACSI Limpopo conference and was so blessed by the entire event. The school that hosted it is experiencing revival and it was such a blessing to see how the Lord is using the learners to minister to each other and the staff even! One of the workshop leaders shared about how the seeds of revival were planted in the Lord’s presence with him and two other learners praying for the school and a ‘hit list’ of learners who needed to know Jesus. 

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The Lord is on the move and He is using little children as well as adults to extend His kingdom. During a session I felt the Lord whisper, “be faithful with the little”. I am sure that means be faithful in the small things but I sensed that it could also mean for us to be faithful with the little ones among us. So even though I cannot see the fruit right now, I trust the Lord that His purposes will be achieved in spite of me (and the mistakes I’ve made along this journey). If we are faithful with the little in front of us, He will never let His word return to Him void. Yes the learners did not magically become hungrier for knowledge and well mannered immediately after I read through Proverbs with them…but His Word and Wisdom has been planted in them and I pray that it will grow.

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