Be inspired by what God is doing at this miracle orphan village…be part of it by helping us RUN FOR LIV

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Raising tomorrow’s stars at LIV Village, where God is doing something special that carries hope for millions of children in our nation.

It began as a vision of a village on hill with a cross at the centre…it became LIV Village, an inspiring example of how the church, government and business can work fruitfully together when Jesus is at the centre.

LIV Village near Durban is raising children who came out of extreme abuse to become the leaders of tomorrow. And they are expanding their practical model of love, discipleship and nurturing across South Africa with more villages in the pipeline.

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Gateway News Comrades Marathon 2017 runners Afrika Mhlophe and Andre Viljoen are honoured to RUN FOR LIV and urge our readers to be part of the miracle by DONATING ANY AMOUNT BY CLICKING HERE to rescue a child, restore a life, raise a leader, release a star. Just a few minutes of your time and a small donation will make a difference!

Please, when you click on the link above and make a donation of your choice directly to LIV Village, also send an email to confirming your donation so that we can thank you personally.

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Andre and Afrika — Help us RUN FOR LIV.

Afrika and Andre visited LIV Village in November and were blown away by what God is doing there. Read our report from that visit: Miracle orphan village with cross at centre carries hope for millions of children

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During our Comrades run we will be based at the village and we trust that with your help our run will be a blessing to tomorrow’s young stars. Be part of it!



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