Be part of ‘The Return South Africa’ from 3pm to 4.30pm on Saturday

The world is in turmoil and multitudes of Christians across the world have responded to a call to return to God and pray for revival — for a global day of repentance on Saturday September 26.

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South Africans have heeded the call and according to The Return SA team there is a groundswell taking place in the country with reports of pastors gathering their leaders and intercessors together to join the prayer meeting on a big screen in their churches, and other groups meeting in various venues across the country.

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People from 321 South African towns and cities have registered to participate in The Return SA. Even people from 29 other countries — possibly South Africans living abroad — have registered to be part of this historic event tomorrow and to join in a united, online repentance and prayer campaign from 3pm to 4.30pm tomorrow.

If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so now by clicking on this link.

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In the US, where prophetic leader and best-selling author Jonathan Cahn initiated The Return, masses of people are expected to attend a solemn assembly and prayer march in Washington DC. 30 000 churches in the US are simulcasting the event and it is going out to 150 nations on six continents in 90 languages.

Issues that form a backdrop for tomorrow’s online event in SA and which require God’s supernatural intervention include the disastrous effects of the COVID-19 lockdown, high unemployment, widespread corruption, lack of service delivery, racism, an ever-widening gap between the haves and have not’s, rampant crime and more.

The Return SA will be available on and on tomorrow. Or you can get a link on

There will also be live radio broadcasts of the event from Port Elizabeth (PE FM 87.6) and Cape Town (CCFM 107.5 and Radio Tygerberg 104 FM)

Below is an overview of the prayer pointers for the online repentance and prayer event: (you can download the prayer pointers here for easy printing)

The idea is to repent deeply in our personal and national capacities for the unbiblical and frequently demonically inspired foundations that have been laid in our land by us, the people of South Africa. The consequences have resulted in racialism, hatred, divisions, inequality, xenophobia, discrimination, abuse and all kinds of evil perpetuated by one group or person against another. The roots of this come collectively from all of our forefathers and we need to stand together and destroy the agreements, known or unknown, made with the enemy as a result of their actions, beliefs, oaths and agendas. Political correctness and liberalism will not correct this, but Biblical directives and foundations must be laid in the heart of the nation.

Repentance for the failings of governments over the history of SA; for self-seeking leaders and failed opportunities and wasted resources.
For ignoring the plight of the poor
For corruption and evil agendas
Pray that the Lord will continue to expose corruption and deal with it
Pray for the justice system
Pray against crime and violence
Pray for the police force (against brutality but for strong keeping of the peace and protection of the vulnerable)
Pray again for Biblical truth vs political correctness
Pray for the current leaders and pray for Godly leadership in the nation to be raised up.
Pray for our President

Repentance for unbiblical family life and the destruction of Godly marriages
Infidelity and absent fathers and abdication of parenting
Repentance for thousands of babies aborted
Gender based violence
Repentance for failures in the education system; pray for our educators
Discrimination and lost opportunities

Repentance for missed opportunities, wasted resources and self-seeking and corrupt use of finances and ungodly business practices.
Pray for revival of the economy
Bring an end to reliance on export of raw materials and trust for end product manufacture and export
Breaking strongholds over unemployment, poverty and hedonism which creates apathy
Creation of jobs and the starting of new businesses
No further loss of skilled labor and brain loss to the country
Massive upscaling in skills development
New and revolutionary work creation ideas and wealth creation opportunities

Repent for unbiblical behavior, critical attitudes, competition, lack of grace and forgiveness, superior attitudes, missed opportunities
Failure to stand up for the truth
Leaders who have failed morally and misled and failed their people
Compromised truth and political correctness
Pray for unity
Kingdom mindedness
Boldness to preach The Word

No agenda but revival
We return to God
Pray that He will revive us, His Church, starting with each one of us
Grant wisdom for the way ahead
In the chaos we will see the harvest, prepare for the harvest and welcome the harvest in
Fear of man will go
Political agendas will go
Biblical truth will prevail, and God’s truth will be raised up again as the standard in our nation
No compromise with forces of darkness
No return to the philosophies and ways of man but God’s ways and God’s agenda
The Holy Spirit will direct every one of us in His ways
We will be obedient to His call
Declare that South Africa belongs to Jesus and we resist any attempt of the enemy to overthrow that truth
Commit our beloved country back to Him
Revival will come to our land; that God will restore what the enemy has stolen, and His righteousness will arise across every province and His presence be welcomed into every situation
Evil will go and the Peace of Jesus will be released across the land
No lies will be entertained
Evil and unrighteousness and sin will be declared from the rooftops
The name of Jesus will be declared as King and His peace will reign
Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven

Closing remarks and looking to the future.

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