Bible is ‘our deed to the land’, says Israel’s ambassador at UN

Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon holds up a Bible during a dramatic moment in his address to the UN Security Council on Monday (PHOTO: AP Video Screenshot).

Originally published in CBN News

Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon used the Bible to defend the Jewish people’s claim to the land of Israel during a special session at the United Nations Security Council on Monday.

Danon was tasked with the job of proving the case for Jews’ connection to the Holy Land during the session. He outlined four reasons, “the Bible, history, international law, and the pursuit of international peace and security”.

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In a dramatic moment, Danon opened the Bible and read aloud God’s covenant with Abraham from Genesis 17: “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout the generations for an everlasting covenant. And I will give to you and your descendants after you all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their God.”

Danon then raised up the Bible, turned to attendees and said: “This is the deed to our land.”

“From the book of Genesis to the Jews’ exodus, from Egypt to receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, and to the realiSation of God’s covenant in the holy land of Israel, the Bible paints a consistent picture. The entire history of our people and our connection to Eretz Israel begins right here,” he continued while lifting up the Bible once again.

Danon argued that all of the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – affirm the Jewish people’s connection to Israel.

“The Qur’an itself accepts the divine deed of the Jewish people to the land of Israel,” he said.

Danon then told the group how the Jews were expelled from Israel.

“In 70 CE, Roman Emperor Titus destroyed our Second Temple, expelled the Jewish people, and renamed the land nestled between Egypt and Lebanon ‘Syria-Palestina, as a southern province of Syria. THAT is where the name Palestine comes from, though Jews still lived in Jerusalem,” he argued.

He also placed blame for the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the feet of Palestinian leaders for rejecting successive peace plans.

Danon said in order for peace to be possible, four things must happen, starting with the Palestinians recognising Israel’s right to exist.


  1. Frans Steyn. From Secunda South Africa

    Me and my family support Israelś Right to Exist. They are GODS People and Godś Property. GOD will Never Leave them Nor Forsaken them. The Holy Land and all the Jewish people Belongs to GOD Almighty. GOD Bless Israel!!!!

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    How then does the ambassador factor in the many conditional promises regarding the land, such as Deuteronomy 28:11 and 63? God calls on Israel to “fully obey Yahweh and follow ALL His commands” (Deuteronomy 28:1) lest the 11 verses of national blessing become the 53 verses of national curses of Moses’ message in Deuteronomy 28. Let’s pray for Israel, according to his word.

    • This is the mistake of many who adhere to supersessionism. God’s promise of land and descendants to Israel is based on the UNCONDITIONAL Abrahamic covenant, not the Mosaic Covenant, which was given to them after he redeemed them from Egypt. In a similar fashion, we are saved by grace but that doesn’t give us licence to flout God’s laws. You are right that we must pray for Israel to return to the Lord and believe in the Messiah, but his promise concerning the Land has never been abrogated.

  3. Good for Amabassador Danon that he upholds the Bible but since when is Islam an Abrahamic faith? It has nothing to do with Abraham.

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