Bible Reading Marathon celebrating 5th anniversary — challenges SA churches to host own events

Lizé Saunders, left and Sumari Share

The team organising the fifth annual Bible Reading Marathon in Nelson Mandela Bay from October 26 to 30 has issued a challenge to churches around South Africa to host their own events during the same period.

“We hope the Bible Reading Marathon will spread over South Africa and create a spiritual hunger in people to read the Word of God for themselves and to proclaim the Word of God as they read over their city, town or province,” said the event visionary, Illona De Wit.

“We have seen how the marathon has blessed our reader participants the last four years and believe other churches will have a similar experience,” she said.

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She said that during the fifth-anniversary event at Spirit Reign Ministries at 8 Frere Crescent, Van Riebeeck Heights, Uitenhage, the Word of God will be proclaimed continuously into the spiritual realm and over the Nelson Mandela Bay metropolitan area for approximately 85 hours from 9pm on Wednesday October 26 to the morning of Sunday October 30, as participants take turns reading 15 minute slots from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. During the multicultural, multidenominational event people will be able to read their Scripture portions in their preferred language.

To participate in the event you can book a reading slot with Illona at 073 350 6999 or Elmarita at 072 357 2829.

Elmarita Wicks, left and Illona De Wit

With four successful events under the belt the team behind the Bible Reading Marathon has gained a lot of practical knowhow and they are willing to assist any interested churches with possible questions about the administration of their first Bible Reading Marathon.

“We are also willing to provide the interested church with a free digital copy of our printed administrative materials to use for their first Bible Reading Marathon. We hope this will encourage churches to take on the challenge.” said Illona.

Here is what some of last year’s participants had to say about their experience:

Sumari Share:

“Ek het baie name gekry van die stamme en nageslagte. God het so spesifiek gepraat met Moses en Aaron in die Ou Testament, tog is Hy dieselfde God van die nuwe Testament. Ek het besef ons het vandag die Heilige Gees wat ons direk toegang gee tot Sy volheid en Sy teenwoordigheid. Ons moet net gehoorsaam wees!”

Stephen Gray:

”Enjoyable and valuable”

Craig Bradley, left and Thys van Rensburg (senior)

Lizé Saunders:

“Die kragtigste, mees lewensveranderende boek in die wêreld is die Woord van God. Dis ‘n twee-snydende swaard wat sny tussen vlees en gees. Wat ‘n Goddelike voorreg om deel te kan wees van hierdie lesing waar elke woord in die gees uitgaan tot in Sy troonkamer vir Sy eer!

Bettie Viljoen:

“Dit was vir my ‘n wonderlike ervaring. Ek ervaar net elke keer die goedheid van die Here. En prys Hom dat Hy die offers vir ons gebring het aan die kruis.”

Malissa Ascaray:

“I had a tough week, while reading I found joy. All the words I pronounced wrong (I think), but I forgot about my troubles, and felt lighter and joyful. I also got some advice and truth on a situation currently in my life.”

Vidette van Veijerein:

“Ek is elke jaar verstom oor hoe God deur Sy Woord praat. Elke jaar kom bevestig Hy en bemoedig Hy my. Heilige Gees het net die saal kom vul…. Elke jaar sien ek hoe trane loop en ‘n leser aangeraak word. Ek is so dankbaar en dis ‘n groot voorreg om deel te kan wees van BRM!”

Anna Botha:

I read the book of Amos Chapter 1-6, this was one of the same chapters I read at the last Bible Marathon. This is a clear warning that God is not happy with unrighteousness, in justice, unholy lives in the country and in His church. We need to repent urgently and pray for mercy. 

Ferdi and Norma Drotschie

Norma Drotschie:

In Esegiël 17 & 18 het dit net weereens vir my bevestig dat ons nie soos Israel moet raak deur nie na God te luister nie. God is ‘n regverdige God, wat God sê so sal dit wees. God gee ons elkeen nog ‘n kans om tot volle inkeer te kom.

Elmarita Wicks:

“During my reading slot, I was made aware of God’s anointing that was present in the hall. I could feel God’s presence and the love that He has for us.  May God be glorified.”


I just felt the power of God while I was reading… The Word came alive.

Angelique Veijeren

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