Bid to make ‘Roe v Wade’ permanent fails

US Senate

Originally published in

The Senate rejected a Democratic-led bill Wednesday that would have guaranteed abortion rights nationwide.

Politico reports that all 50 Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W-VA) voted against S 4132, also known as the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022. The vote was 49-51 and Democrats needed 60 votes for the bill to pass.

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Senate Democrats tried to move quickly to “codify” the nearly 50-year-old Roe v. Wade ruling after someone leaked a US Supreme Court draft opinion to the press indicating the court is poised to overturn Roe sometime this summer. 

President Biden condemned Republicans for blocking the legislation.

“Once again – as fundamental rights are at risk at the Supreme Court – Senate Republicans have blocked passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act, a bill that affirmatively protects access to reproductive health care,” Biden said in a statement. 

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As CBN News previously reported, some states like California are preparing for a post-Roe reality in this country. California is moving to dramatically expand and fund the number of abortions performed in the state.

The Golden State is nationally known for its abortion-friendly laws and policies and is positioning itself to serve as an abortion destination for women from states that might implement broader restrictions on abortion.

In a statement Wednesday, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Americans do not approve of the radical bill.

“Senate Democrats’ latest failed attempt to impose their radical late-term abortion agenda is another reminder of how extreme and out of touch they are. Americans overwhelmingly support commonsense pro-life protections and limits on abortion, but Democrats are doubling down on taxpayer-funded, unlimited abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.”

She added, “Voters will hold Biden and Democrats accountable for being radical, cruel, and anti-science come November.”

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One Comment

  1. Hugh G WETMORE

    Pro-Abortionists are anti-truth and anti-science. The baby is a Person in her own right, with a DNA distinctive from the Mother. The unborn baby is NOT part of the mother’s body, as human rights activists claim. Abortion IS murder of a helpless independent person. Caring people should defend the most helpless of all people from abortion’s cruelty.

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