Blazing hot weekend worship dates in Cape Town, PE

The Burn 24/7 worship fire will rage all weekend in Cape Town in step with the Prophetic Encounters 2012 taking place at the Bay Community Church in Muizenburg.

The Cape Town launch of Burn 24/7, an international worship and prayer movement, was at Prophetic Encounters 2011, which was attended by Burn founder Sean Feucht of the USA. The idea this weekend is that after the Friday evening session of Prophetic Encounters with Janet Bran-Hollis and Julian Adams, the Burn worship will continue until the Sunday evening session. Details of the programme are available on the Bay C C website

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Meanwhile prayer and audacious faith will be stirred in Port Elizabeth at the Sun Stand Still multimedia worship and prayer event at Harvest Christian Church at 7pm. There will be three worship teams playing at the event. Entrance is free and open to the city.

“We want to dare to ask God for the impossible as we seize His vision for our lives, activate our faith and make our move in the power of the Holy Spirit,” says event organiser Gareth Hogg.

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More info about Sun Stand Still is available online.

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Sean Feucht himself is blazing his way to South Africa (via Burns in the US, Middle East and Europe) which he will visit from April 26 to May 15. He will attend Burns in Joburg, PE and Cape Town.

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