Book preview: Jesus Virus — Bryan Innes

In the Q&A interview below we find out more about veteran pastor Bryan Innes and his first book Jesus Virus

Please tell us a little about yourself

I was “ born again” in March 1975 at 35 years old while in the Methodist church in Empangeni in Zululand At that time I was a land surveyor running my own small practice. After completing a degree in Bible and theology, my first appointment was a call to the Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria to join a team of 21 elders. Later I accepted a call to head up a small church in Bloemfontein.

After 15  years I handed over the church to my son-in-law and daughter and in August  2007 my wife and I moved to Port Elizabeth where we joined Harvest Christian Church where we became zone pastors.

In November 2012 we moved back to Bloemfontein and after being involved in leadership positions in two different churches we returned to our old church, Hebron Christian Church. We are still serving there in a supporting leadership role.

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I am turning 83 soon and Jesus Virus, which I have self-published, is my first book.

Bryan Innes

How did you come to write this book?

Short answer — the Lord told me to! I have always been interested in the Body of Christ and in everything about “doing Church”. My passion has been growing stronger and stronger over the last 10 years. In July 2020 I had a dream in which the Holy Spirit seemed to be commissioning me to study Jesus’s calling and training of His 12 disciples as described in the four biblical Gospels. I was to start with the first words of Jesus and finish with His last words in Acts Chapter 1. As my studies progressed I started to learn new truths which have really impacted my life. The book needed to finish after Acts 2 as a consequence of Jesus’s last words in Acts 1.

Jesus Virus is an interesting book title. Please explain.

AS the book started to take shape I began to think of possible titles but nothing seemed to really fit. In September 2020 I awoke one night and began to think about what to call my book. Suddenly  the words “Jesus Virus” stood out strongly in my mind, and I knew that Holy Spirit had given me the book title. At that time the Coronavirus was affecting millions of people around the world. My book was far from completion but the more I wrote the more the title felt exactly right. There is a table at the back of the book which compares catching the Coronavirus with catching the “Jesus virus”.

What are the key themes of your book?

The book is divided into two main sections. The first deals with the trainining of the 12 and creating a team. And the second is about the unfolding of God’s final plan through the Holy Spirit.

Here are some “golden nuggets” from my book that have changed my Christian way of life and helped me to get a big does of the Jesus Virus

  1. The first recorded words of Jesus as a 12-year-old boy: ”Did you not know I had to be about My Fathers business? This speaks of a personal relationship with each believer knowing that they are sons and daughters of God and that the Father has a plan for every  believer’s life — yours and mine.
  2. Jesus was baptised as a believer by full immersion. The Father spoke and the Holy Spirit came upon  Jesus. We must follow the example of Jesus. Believe in your Saviour first, and then get baptised.
  3. The last words Jesus. spoke on earth, are found in Acts 1:8 just before HIS Ascension  “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you“ Every believer needs their own personal Pentecost as the 120 believers experienced in Acts 2:1-4 to carry out the command of Jesus. with signs following!
  4.  The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was the final complete fulfilment of God’s plant for His sons and daughters to proclaim the Kingdom of God with supernatural signs following!! Do not stop at the Cross.
  5.  After the Cross comes Pentecots!! Jesus.said His Spirit would be with us and in us forever. Have you experienced your personal Pentecost? Jesus wants every believer to become a super spreader of Father God’s good news.
  6. The normal and only way to become a Christian is to be “born agains”, restoring your relationship with Father God who loves you. Then should follow the baptism in water and receiving the Holy Spirit to enable you to live an overcoming and victorious life as an ambassador for Jesus.
  7. Learn all about the wonderful person of the Holy Spirit and His ministry and how He wants to partner with you. One of His names is “the one who comes alongside to help”
  8. There are five unique days in the life of Jesus., which have changed the world forever. There is one more day still to come!! Interfaith has no place with Christianity. Jesus Christ stands alone!!
  9. Annexure C lists a few of the books I have read which have greatly influenced my life besides the words of  Jesus Christ. For example —When the Church was young, Pagan Christianity, The Master Plan of Evangelism, Houses that Change the World and many books on the Holy Spirit.

Who should read it?

Every person who is searching for more in the Christian life and any person who is mentioned on the back cover.  My own testimony is one of going through many trials and serious health issues, supernatural healings and growing more in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ — and of experiencing more peace and joy in the Holy Spirit the older I get.

How can people get your book?

It is available on Amazon, Kindle and Takealot. It can also be ordered from me by emailing me at The cost is R180 excluding shipping.

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