Book urging spiritual cure for SA lines up with calls to turn back to God

Author Arno van Niekerk with his book ‘Enough! What is the plan?’ [PHOTO: Book launch publicity]
[notice]Alf James speaks to Arno van Niekerk author of ‘Enough! What is the Plan?’. He says Van Niekerk’s book is a book for NOW, for this season in both our lives and our country’s history.[/notice]

South Africa has had enough of moral and spiritual decay; we stand as a nation in need of healing and restoration, which lies not in political, but spiritual transformation, according to Dr Arno van Niekerk, author of Enough! What is the Plan?

“South African’s hearts must change through repentance before the nation unites in revival seeking and implementing God’s plan for the country,” says Van Niekerk who is a senior lecturer and economist at the University of the Free State.

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He contends that unless we see the spiritual basis of our predicament and humble ourselves before the Lord seeking His ways we will remain stuck in a malfunctioning society.

“Enough! What is the Plan is a clarion call to a South Africa that ‘appears adrift, unable to mount a credible approach towards the dream of its founding fathers and mothers’, says Reverend Moss Ntlha, general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of South Africa, in the foreword to the book.

Christian hope
Although a spirit of despair is beginning to possess many South Africans 22 years after apartheid officially ended, Ntlha says Van Niekerk’s book does not leave us in despair, but makes a strong case for Christian hope.

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“The Christian religion stands or falls on the message of Jesus Christ, who was the face of God in the world. He took upon Himself its total depravity and brokenness, and went to the grave with it.

“He rose again on the third day with a promise to all who believe on Him, that He will be with them to the end of the ages as they stand up for the truth and justice in a world that has turned its back on both.

“Will South Africa heed the call?

“It is a call for each South African to answer, before it is too late,” urges Ntlha.

What immediately struck me about the book is that it coincides with a number of calls that seem to be joining in a harmony of encouragement for South Africans to change our hearts and minds, humble ourselves and come into alignment with the Lord’s will for our country.

National Day of Repentance
The first call was from the National Day of Repentance (NDR) in Bloemfontein in September last year, the vision document of which says one thing our country needs to do is to repent and turn from its wicked ways.

“As a nation, we have failed to acknowledge Him in all our conduct. Killings are increasing; corruption is rampant, and many other evils causing destruction. Change starts with prayer,” says the NDR vision.

“This is what the Lord says to us as Christians, who bear His name, in: 2 Chronicles 7:14 ‘if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land’.

“The Lord is calling the nation of South Africa that is 80% Christian to come to repentance before Him. This starts with first humbling ourselves and then to pray fervently. The responsibility is ours to come back to The Lord with repentant hearts,” adds the NDR vision document.

Biblical Jubilee Year
The second call is the Biblical Jubilee Year, which started on Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement at sundown on 23 September 2015 and lasts until Yom Kippur 2016.

Van Niekerk says in a Jubilee Year we are called on to search our hearts through the Holy Spirit, to uncover areas in which we need to repent, personally and as a nation, and return to the Lord’s ways.

“When we humble ourselves before God and our neighbours then healing takes place in a way that no worldly or political reconciliation can replicate, because it is by the Spirit of the Lord, which will them impact politics, economics and the rest of society.”

The third call was from the #Pray4RainSA event in January led by Angus Buchan, which summoned the nation to humble itself in prayer, seek our Holy Father’s face, turn from our sinning ways and stand united trusting God for spiritual and physical revival.

Oom Angus urged the #Pray4RainSA gathering to pray for “our beloved country” and to “pray for repentance”.
‘”The Lord says we should turn from our wicked ways ‘then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land’.

“Folks I am not going overseas much this year. I want to stay in this country. My heart is here. I want to be here with you, I want to join hands with you, I want to believe God for a miracle in this nation.

“I really believe this nation can lead the rest of Africa, I believe this nation can lead the world. We have the opportunities,” said the farmer-evangelist.

The fourth call is a from United Prayer for South Africa (up4sa) for a one hour prayer session on Sunday 28th February 2016 at 2pm at prayer points all across the country mobilising as many Christians in towns and cities as possible in intercession, petition and prayer for South Africa as a “prophetic act of humility, dependency, unity and honour to our Lord Jesus Christ as the only answer and hope”.

The up4sa call quotes Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need”.

Van Niekerk .says he wrote “Enough! What is the Plan”, because the Lord told him to do so while he was on his knees in prayer during a trip to lecture at an Austrian university.

“The Lord distinctly told me that this book should be, in essence, an invitation to everyone in South Africa to be part of the miracle that God is going to perform through His people and by His Spirit in South Africa.”

Van Niekerk states in the introduction: “… the place to which history has brought us and the state of the country today asks of us both faith and sober thinking”.

“The future that lies ahead of us requires that we perform an accurate and realistic analysis of our present situation, what are the critical lessons we should learn from our past, and what actions are now most needed.

SA’s prophetic destination
“This book ‘connects these dots’ within the context of the country’s prophetic destination. The emphasis of this book is to specifically align South Africans with accomplishing God’s plans.”

In answer to the question: Does God have a plan for SA? Van Niekerk says for some time there has been – not just in South Africa, but also higher up in Africa and elsewhere – a realisation that the prophetic Word in Ezekiel 20:46-48 is also applicable to South Africa.

Van Niekerk says he has received confirmation of this from the Lord.

The Scripture says: “Son of man set your face toward the South . . . and prophesy to the forest land of the South. And say to the forest of the South, Hear the word of the Lord; thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold I will kindle a fire in you . . . The blazing flame shall not be quenched . . . from the South to the North . . . All flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it; it shall not be quenched’,”.

“This is Revival Fire that will not be stopped. This is so our rainbow nation‘s heart can burn brightly for God like never before, as He has had in mind for years. This requires our total surrender to God’s will and purpose for His glory, not our own.

“The Lord always desires to work through His people. So it is us that need to come to a place of true hunger for Him. This will fan the flame.”

Time to rise up in faith
Van Niekerk says that like Joshua and Caleb, the time has come for those with a ‘different spirit’ to RISE UP in faith and respond to God’s calling!

“We must get on our knees and pray God’s plan into being on earth. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6) to reign with Him so that heaven can invade earth – that is His will.

‘’God wants to do something new in South Africa – something never seen before. He wants people set apart for Him and filled with the power of His Spirit so that we can bring healing and freedom, not in our own power but through God’s anointing . . . God wants to reveal His power and glory to South Africa in a unique way as He uses our diversity.

“God is calling YOU in this hour. Are YOU going to accept His invitation,” urges Van Niekerk.

Enough! What is the Plan? Is a book worth reading and studying for it is inspiring and is, indeed, a clarion call to this generation of South Africans – you and I.

There is a note of urgent resolve about the book – it is a call to God’s children in South Africa to intercede on behalf of our country in prayer and by example.

Enough! What is the Plan is a book for NOW, for this season in both our lives and country’s history.

It is in alignment with God’s Will for South Africa NOW; for repentance to take place and through repentance, revival and through revival for South Africa to become a light that ignites repentance, revival and God’s Will being done throughout Africa – and the rest of the world.

However, that light first needs to spark in each of us as we search our hearts, led by the Holy Spirit, to identify areas which need to be transformed to God’s ways, by His grace, for His glory in Lord Jesus Christ’s name.

As we come into alignment with the Lord’s Will we will learn what His role for each of us is in our families, Churches, communities, cities, country and continent, but the time is NOW – no time for procrastination.

Van Niekerk emphasises that time has certainly moved on for South Africa, the hour glass is running empty, but it is still not too late!

There is a window of opportunity.

“We must take up the spiritual weapons God has given us and fight; they are much more powerful than physical weapons – when we truly understand them.

“The time to prayerfully STAND UP in the power of God’s Spirit has come,” says Van Niekerk.

Enough! What is the Plan should be on the retail bookstore shelves later in the year, but for now, email Arno van Niekerk to order a copy at Price is R100 plus R20 postage (R120).


    If we don’t respond to the still voice of the Lord to find our knees for this nation, we have no one else to blame but ourselves for what comes after …
    Just ordered a copy of the book.

  2. We should be going with this, whether the outcome for SA is good or not so good. Let us not repent to simply save ourselves discomfort and suffering but for the sake of the kingdom of Jesus Christ! Look what is happening in persecuted lands – see Heinrich’s report in this same edition of Gateway…

  3. I’ve read the book and it has had a profound impact on me – not only the knowledge gained from it, also the spiritual insight and revelation gained. This is a message all South Africans need to hear. I even felt called to organize a conference with Dr van Niekerk as speaker in Helderberg vicinity on 20 Feb.

  4. What? Another conference? Another rally? Oh NO!!! Please, not another big meeting led by another celebrity that the masses will not attend?

    Let us rather repent of all the hatred, bitterness, resentment and blood that we (black and white) have in our hearts and on our hands.

    Why not rather go into the harvest field and preach:
    • The heart piercing call to confession and repentance?
    • An explanation of the faith we have in what Jesus did for mankind on the Cross?
    • The need to be baptised in water and
    • The need to receive the Holy Spirit and the accompanying fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    Here are a few points to ponder:
    Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
    19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,[b] baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

    Mark 16:15 And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.
    16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.
    17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.[e]
    18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
    19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.
    20 And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.

    Acts 2:36 “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!”
    37 Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
    38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away[h]—all who have been called by the Lord our God.”
    40 Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
    41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.

    Hebrews 6:1 So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds[a] and placing our faith in God.
    2 You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
    3 And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.

    Unfortunately, in South Africa the Church of Jesus Christ does not know the basic teachings about Jesus Christ. So that is where the teaching and preaching needs to be done and not in another exclusive conference or exclusive mass rally.

    In closing I wish to remind you that while the Church in South Africa continues to tolerate and approve of sinful actions within the Church and in the nation that God regards as an abomination, you can hold all the mass gatherings and conferences you want to. It will make no difference. God will not be mocked and allow us to continue to get away with our hideous sinful ways. Without contrite and repentant hearts before our Holy God we are wasting our time.

  5. Dear Readers
    Here is something interesting I found in Abarim Publications.
    The following is an explanation of “Negev” or “the south” or South Land” which used to be a forested area situated somewhere between Egypt and Canaan.
    The name Negev in the Bible
    The name Negev is the modern version of the original name Negeb (the Hebrew letter ב, beth, was once probably pronounced as a B but now as a V; that’s why today some people are called Avraham instead of the classic Abraham), but it’s not clear when the word נגב (negeb) became a name.

    The word נגב (negeb) appears to have several meanings and the chances are excellent that we modern readers of the Bible are simply clueless about the whole compass of this word, and thus the name Negev. In Old Testament times, a country in the political sense would be known by border markers (or border towns) at its extremes and a ruler of sorts at its most pronounced city. A “region” would be known by some distinctly different feature, like mountains or a decidedly different climate. It’s a bit of a mystery to which region the name or word נגב (negeb) was applied, and why. The area originally known as the נגב (negeb) appears to have been located somewhere in between Egypt and Canaan but the exact borders are quite unclear (Genesis 13:1-3)

    Older versions of the Bible (KJV, Young, Darby, JSP) consistently translate our word with “the south” or “South Land” but modern translations (NAS, NIV) treat this word as a proper name when it seems appropriate. This obviously requires the translator to be insightful enough to know what the author meant to say, which isn’t always easy. And the result is an unwanted association with the present day Negev region which is arguably not the same as the area named Negeb back then. And then, to modern readers the word negev is foreign and specific but to a Hebrew audience, it was an ordinary word that meant ordinary things and was used to describe many things other than what we call the Negev.

    Here at Abarim Publications we’re notoriously unhip, and we prefer to not transliterate the word נגב as the proper name Negeb or Negeb but to translate it as south, South or the South Land.

    The South
    In Genesis 12:9 our word נגב occurs for the first time in the narrative, and right away it’s preceded by the definite article: הנגב, meaning The South, which indicates that our word נגב became used as an identifier for a certain region. And although that region is now pretty much an arid desert, in Biblical times it was forested (Ezekiel 20:46-47) and appears to have contained a considerable human population (Jeremiah 17:26, Zechariah 7:7), spread out over several cities (Jeremiah 13:19, 32:44, 33:13, Obadiah 1:19-20), namely Kadesh, Bered, Arad and Shur and perhaps also Zephath and Gerar, of which Abimelech was king (Genesis 20:2).

    Abraham and his family lived in The South, near Beer-lahai-roi, where Hagar had seen the angel (Genesis 16:14) and when Isaac was old enough to marry, Eliezer brought Rebekah to her new home in The South (Genesis 24:62).

    By the time of the Exodus, the Amalekites were living in The South (Numbers 13:29) and during the conquest there were Canaanites there (Numbers 21:1). But YHWH delivered up the Canaanites and Israel destroyed the cities of The South and called the whole place Hormah (Numbers 21:3, Judges 1:17).

    Just before Moses died, the Lord showed him the Promised Land, including The South, from atop mount Pisgah (Deuteronomy 34:3, or Abarim; Numbers 27:12). Joshua succeed Moses as leader of Israel and tore through The South and killed every living thing he found in it (Joshua 10:40, 11:16).

    Caleb promised his daughter Achsah to whoever would capture Kiriath-sepher (also known as Debir), and that became Othniel son of Kenaz. So Othniel captured Kiriath-sepher and kept it and also received Achsah who made him ask Caleb for a field. Achsah, remarkably, concluded that she (not Othniel) now had been given The South and also asked for some springs from Caleb and received them (Joshua 15:19). After Joshua’s death, there appeared to still be some fightable Canaanites living in The South (Judges 1:9).

    The South is also mentioned in the curious story of Jonathan’s three arrows. In 1 Samuel 20:41 it reads that after Jonathan had shot his arrows and instructed his boy to “hurry, be quick, do not stay,” David arose from The South and he and Jonathan said their emotional goodbyes. It’s a mystery why the men couldn’t have met right away in the first place, and it’s pretty clear that there’s much more to this story than traditional exegesis lets on.

    The final time The South is mentioned in the narrative is in 2 Chronicles 28:18, where we read that while the Assyrians were expanding their empire at the cost of various other nations, the Edomites attacked Judah from the east and the Philistines attacked The South from the west.

    If Arno has some inside information that the “forest of the South” refers to South Africa, then that prophecy should be thoroughly judged and thoroughly tested according to the Scriptures.
    At the same time, I wish to add that at the first time reading of Ezekiel 20:46-48 one gains the impression that the forest land of the South is destroyed by this blazing flaming fire because this forested land that used to be situated between Egypt and Canaan no longer exists. It looks like climate change was in force since long ago.
    I believe and respect genuine prophetic revelations that line up with the Word of God. Maybe it is a good idea to remind those who are going to jump onto this bandwagon to remember that the Word and the Holy Spirit always work together. That is why the heart piercing preaching of the Good News of Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection power should be presented to the poor, the lost and the downtrodden so that they can be convinced of sin, righteousness and of the judgment to come.
    It is preaching the goodness of God, the fear of the Lord and the proclamation of the truth about what Jesus did on the cross to, inter alia, save us from our sins and the wrath to come on judgement day that will enable the Holy Spirit to draw some of us back to God so that the nation can begin to change. Another conference or another rally will not do that. We need to take the Good News to where the not so well dressed poor people are and not expect them to come to our conferences, where the well-dressed people are. Selah (Pause and silently think about that) or (Pause to ponder)

  6. Hi John,
    your comments are helpful and enlightening. However I think it is worth remembering that during the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5:3) Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”, which does not speak of material poverty as much as spiritual poverty that is about our inner life and the fact that whatever our material circumstances may be (rich/poor, grieving/happy) we remain both spiritually and materially dependent on our Holy Father.
    Contrary to life in the world that is dependent on material requirements, spiritual life (which, in the beginning and the end, determines all life) is dependent only on God.
    So being humble, contrite and repentant is the recognition of our dependency on the Lord and how we have strayed from both that dependency and His ways into material/self-dependency and our own or the world’s ways that are finite, frail, proud, forever seeking the praise of men, sinful, and ignorant of our spiritual poverty.
    The poor in spirit are those who recognise their own spiritual inadequacies, despite their material wealth or poverty, which can only be overcome or risen above by the grace of God.

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