Botswana intercessors set aside three days to pray for South Africa

Gaberone, Botswana (PHOTO: Justice Hubane /

This week Intercessors for Botswana graciously set aside three days — Wednesday July 22, Thursday July 23 and Friday July 24 — to pray for South Africa.

It is interesting to note the prayer points that the Botswana intercessors chose for this mission.

On day 1 they gave thanks for SA’s contribution to the development of Botswana through providing education jobs, food and other commodities — and for hospital referrals.

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They also repented on behalf  of SA “for the African Renaissance which has advocated for ancestral worship and idolatry” and for the establishment of the Church of Satan in the land.

On day 1 they also prayed for God’s mercy for SA, for church unity and for leaders to turn to God for solutions.

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On the second day the prayer points focus on repentance for idolatory evidenced by sexual sins, agreeing with the United Nation’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education agenda, bloodshed, violence and murder.

“Pray that the blood of Jesus Christ will atone for the sins of the land, Ask God to dispatch angels of war to fight for the destiny of the land,” conclude the points for day 2.

The prayer points for the final day include repentance “for castigating the Jews and Israel as a nation, looking down upon Botswana, exporting drugs from the south of the African continent”,

Day 3 prayer points conclude with the following statement: “South Africa is meant to release very powerful Kingdom matters and the Devil is doing everything to stop that. Let us ask God to sweep through the land.

“Let us remind God of the prophetic word released byPastor S G Elton in 1983 at the First National Convention of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International — Port Harcourtm Nigeria.

“Africa is like a gun pointed down. Its turret and muzzle is SouthAfrica.Its trigger is Nigeria.” He said the days would come when apartheid (then at its peak) will be removed from South Africa. In those days, he said, the gun of Africa would begin to fire for God’spurposes.”

“Let us pray for the body of Christ to be strengthened in faith, prayer and the Word.”


  1. Reneiloe Sepharatla

    thank you father for Botswana intercessors. increase this spirit of intercession not only for S.A. but the whole world. may the body of christ have the spirit of decernment and be led by christ to pray according to his will. father hear their prayers listen and act immediately Lord

  2. Setlogelwa Tlhagiso

    We thank God. He will save South Africa and the rest of the world for He is faithful!

  3. Thank you intercessors Botswana for standing in the gap. It is a sign of compassion and care. Indeed the whole world need God now more than ever. Keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you Christian intercessors of Botswana for standing in prayer and supplication for our beloved South Africa. We war against powers and principalities in high places. In the Name of our FATHER GOD,we rebuke all satanic and ancestral curses on our beloved land. We uphold the Name above all names, JESUS YESHUA,and pray a Godly blessing upon the apple of His Eye,Jerusalem and the land of Israel. In the Name of Jesus and the precious Holy Spirit, we pray for Spiritual intervention in our beloved land,and we pray for the safety and prosperity of all Christian believers in Africa.
    We pray for GOD to reveal Himself in mighty ways to those that waver in the faith,and those who are mis-directed in their spiritual faith. We pray for the advent of miraculous times depicted to mankind by Almighty GOD in the Book of Joel. Come Lord Jesus. Shalom to all who seek for the Peace of GOD.

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