Bringing Heaven to Earth — Vivienne Solomons

There’s a room at the end of a long passage in our house that until a few weeks ago, remained largely untouched for the three years we have lived here.

At first, it didn’t bother me much as our busy lives could not justify the significant investment in time and energy as well as resources that was required to, not only make decisions about everything that was stored there. but also to repair the room itself. It helped, of course, that I could easily shut the door (and lock it) but as time went by, I felt compelled to tackle it once and for all. 

And what a huge project it has proven to be, with many different tasks, big and small. To be honest, at some point along the way, I felt so overwhelmed by it all, that I wanted to call it quits.

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PHOTO: Ron Lach/Pexels

But then it occurred to me that as hard as it was, as time consuming as it was, I had to push through and press on because all that stuff wasn’t going anywhere until I finally dealt with it.

The thing is, I was not only dealing with stuff. I was also dealing with the fact that in my heart, I had not actually settled in properly. This room with so much potential hidden beneath many delayed decisions, was proof of that.

It dawned on me that having lived in many homes in different countries and on different continents since a young girl, I am somewhat of a “pro” at moving. However, I have very little experience of what it takes to settle into a place, since I subconsciously adopt the attitude that I won’t go the extra mile when setting up home when I don’t know how long I will be there. 

You see, there’s a difference between moving in and settling in. Moving in is generally very practical and time bound, whereas settling in requires a different posture of the heart, one that is forward thinking, and hopeful for a future in that place.  

The truth that I am coming to understand more fully, is that no matter how long we are in a place, whether a place we call home or even our workplace, as believers we are required to show up and live fully alive there, in the process leaving our own personal mark not just on the building but also on the people that we share that space with. 

As children of God, we are called to thrive wherever we find ourselves. We are called to steward everything ‘in our hands’ to the best of our ability, and to the glory of Him. We are called to live from the inside out.

This is how we bring heaven to earth wherever we are and in all that we do.

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