Buchan fired-up despite gay activist opposition to UK, Ireland tour

Demonstrators protesting on Wednesday over the Angus Buchan – Together for Ireland event at The Hub at Cillin Hill, Kilkenny, Ireland (PHOTO: Irish Times).

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan — currently on a week-long gospel preaching tour of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland and England — is fired-up about the desperate hunger for Jesus he is encountering at his meetings, despite protests and disruptions by gay activist groups responsible for what he has described as “the most severe attack and resistance I have ever experienced in my life since becoming a Christian in 1979”.

Portraying Buchan as a hateful, homophobic and misogynist preacher who should not be allowed to visit the countries, the opposition to his tour started before his departure — and while it failed to stop his visit, a church meeting in the Scottish Borders was cancelled because of pressure by LGBT groups, and protesters have picketed outside some of his meetings.

On the eve of his departure for the United Kingdom Buchan published a statement asking for prayer to boldly withstand the onslaught of the powers of darkness as he set out to preach the undiluted Word of God in a series of meetings, ending with a Mighty Men Conference in Patley Bridge, North Yorkshire this weekend.

Prayer cover
In a statement released today after addressing an impactful meeting at Kilkenny, just outside Dublin, last night, he thanks supporters for their prayers, saying: “I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such prayer cover and support in my 40 years of ministry. So please continue to pray as we move to our meeting in Newcastle tonight. This has probably been one of the greatest campaigns that I’ve had the privilege to be a part of in a long time.”

Buchan Maghera
Angus Buchan preaching in Maghera, Ireland (PHOTO: Facebook).

Buchan reports that there was “quite a large group” of gay rights protestors at the main gates to last night’s meeting. However there was no heckling and a lot of the protesters came into the meeting and stayed right to the end and never said a word.

“The subject of my message was about ‘Gods friend’ and I just sense in my spirit that there are so many lonely people in the world today. We had a fantastic response at one stage when I was preaching, there was such support that I could hardly speak because of the clapping and the ‘AMEN’. People are desperate for Jesus. They need love and they need help. And by His grace they received it last night.

“I made an altar call and it took about 20 minutes to move the chairs out of the way so that the people could come forward. I’ve never seen such a presence of security men in my life, I felt small amongst these men, surrounding me. But there was no need to because the love of Christ was so evident in that place.”

At Buchan’s first meeting at Luton Christian Fellowship, Bedfordshire last Sunday, he reports he preached to a packed church of spiritually hungry men from all over the country. Among many healings at the service a man from Nigeria was instantly healed of a heart condition. A professional trumpeter who Buchan met for the first time at Heathrow airport accepted his invitation to attend the service where he played a beautiful rendition of the hymn It is well with my soul.

Meeting cancelled
On Monday he preached at Lighthouse Church in Dumfries, Scotland, a venue that was made available — despite serious opposition from activists — after his scheduled meeting in Galashiels in the Borders region was cancelled due to protest action. Buchan described the Dumfries meeting as a turning point in the mission where the undiluted Gospel message opened the eyes of a number of people who had been misled to believe that all roads lead to heaven.

“As a result, people had to make decisions to either believe or disbelieve the entire word of God. My heart was broken for the poor souls who stood outside the church picketing, trying to prevent the service from taking place, and please pray for them that their spiritual eyes may be opened to the deception of the devil,” he says in a report-back.

In response to pressure from LGBT groups to cancel the Dumfries meeting, the Lighthouse Church issued a statement saying: “We respect the views of the LGBT community and although we believe different things and we hope that both communities can live peacefully and dignifiedly in a great country that allows freedom of speech, lifestyle and worship.”

Ian Gray, a spiritual son of Buchan from Yorkshire, reports that on Tuesday, between 30 and 40 prisoners in the most maximum security prison in Northern Ireland gave their lives to Jesus in the prison chapel following an amazing performance by a choir of inmates and Buchan’s preaching of the gospel. That evening, in Maghera, people were queuing down the road to get into the 3 000-seater tent.

“Phenomenal Irish dancing and singing began the cross community meeting and brilliantly welcomed the Lord into the tent. Love was preached, families came forward for prayer for reconciliation and for a new emergence of Jesus as the priority in the nation. The tent is staying up now for another meeting on Thursday to praise Him. Absolutely wonderful to experience such love peace and joy in one place with the Lord. One of the best meetings I have ever been to with Angus,” says Gray.

Tonight Buchan is due to preach at The Cattle Mart, Hexham, in Northumberland, England. And the MMC will run from tomorrow (Friday August 26) until Sunday.

Media reports in Scotland on the LGBT campaign against Buchan’s tour, generally portray him as a gay- and woman-hating bigot who promotes a message of male dominance and that homosexuality is an illness that can be cured.

Does not want people to perish
In a response to the LGBT campaign, issued on the even of his tour, Buchan says: I am accused of being a homophobe, and many other unsavory things, but all I am doing, and still intend to do in Great Britain, is to preach the undiluted Word of God, ‘The Bible’ in its entirety, not compromising one Word. It is because I love people and do not want them to perish and go to a lost eternity.

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“John 17:17, states very clearly, ‘Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth’.
That is all I have ever done in the past, and that is all I will ever do!

“I love homosexuals, and I love lesbians but I cannot condone their way of living, their lifestyle, because it is contrary to the teaching of Gods Holy Word!”


  1. Firstly we need to understand that the church has hurt many lgbti people over the decades. WE have to learn to see where they are coming from. Any form of homophobia or judgemental hate speech is unacceptable from the pulpit. We are called to love everybody and not judge one another. No sin is greater than the other. When we learn to see people through the eyes of a loving gracious God then ALL NATIONS, EVERY TRIBE, will turn to Jesus.

    • The church is not the problem here but rather the hatred of the God of the Bible.
      The church has tried its utmost to destroy me and my family and none of us were lgbt. Instead of pushing blame, we turned to the one true God (not the one christians inherited from the Romans). His love and grace pulled us through and today we live liberated Spirit filled lives.
      It is true that no one sin is greater than another. My atrocities were by no means greater or lesser then that of a homosexual. Paramount to my salvation however was the need to repent and turn from my ways. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ and unless/until it is preached from the pulpit, no one will be saved.

      • Dear Vernon it seems to be overlooked to-day that Jesus said to the sinful women “… go and sin no more.” That is why the need to preach what is sin. 1 John Ch 3.
        Read “God’s Wrath.” by L.R.Shelton,jr. (1923-2003.) Chapel library. The God of the Bible is HOLY and hates sin not us. So if we choose to go to the lake of torment so be it. we put our self’s in hell.
        Peter. value life/abortion is evil.

  2. Hugh G Wetmore

    Jesus said that persecution is the norm for His church, but most western Christians haven’t been persecuted, so have become spiritualy flabby. Jesus said we must rejoice when the world says evil things about Christians. As long as we speak and act in a Christlike way.

  3. I am reminded that a lot of us can wear a cross but how many can carry a cross. GOD bless.
    Peter Throp. ( Value life.)

  4. Charlie Parsons

    JESUS ONLY DISPLAYED LOVE…& was critised & despised why should we expect anything different? Angus is such a perfect example of what JESUS expects of us Christians…preach the FULL GOSPEL undiluted…Jesus said ” I do not teach to harm you but because I love you”. Life is about CHOICES & the CONSEQUENCES thereof. LOVE your enemies ..as there is NO SUBSTITUTE for JESUS LOVE. We pray that the Holy Spirit will “arrest those in opposition of Angus’s message of LOVE” & SET THE FREE TO THE GLORY OF GOD.?

  5. It is all about agape (true and spiritual)love,and the Grace of God Almighty. There is no compromise to His Word,and never will be -the Word stands forever.

  6. God bless you A.B. and all those who preach LOVE = Truth and TRUTH = Love.

  7. Please send me your newsletters.