Buchan says his 8th US trip was his most fruitful yet

Screen Shot Daystar
A screenshot of Angus Buchan during a live interview on Daystar Television with network founders Marcus and Joni Lamb. The Daysar broadcast can be viewed here.

Farmer evangelist Angus Buchan who last weekend got back from a whirlwind ministry trip to the United States says it was his eighth mission to the US and the most fruitful.

“It started with wonderful men’s event [The GodStrongMen event at Middle Tennessee University, Murfeesboro] on Friday night where we saw thousands of men repenting and turning to Christ. I called the over 40s forward first and told the younger men to stand back. We saw thousands of senior men coming forward, many of them weeping, maybe because they’d been put on the sidelines — too old. We reiterated the importance of mentors and spirtual fathers in the Kingdom,” he says.

He says his next stops were to preach to capacity crowds at World Outreach Church in Murfeesboro then a flight to Columbus, Ohio, where he spoke to a crowd that was overflowing into the overflow rooms.

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Angus Buchan during one of his preaching stops on his recent US mission.

The next morning it was a flight to Dallas Texas, for a live broadcast at Daystar Television Network where he was interviewed by Daystar founders Marcus and Joni Lamb. During the interview Buchan emphasised that revivals start with men taking their place in their families. After the interview he had lunch with the Lambs and megachurch pastor and author John Hagee, who was another guest on the show.

“I found him [Hagee] a very interesting man to speak to,” says Buchan.

From Dallas he flew back to Nashville, Tennessee where he participated in the US National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7.

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“They then poured me onto the aeroplane and I arrived back in SA two days later,” says Buchan who embarked on his hectic US mission directly after preaching on consecutive days at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference in Middelburg and the #YTAUNITE youth prayer rally at Newlands Rugby Stadium, Cape Town.

“What I feel that God is going to do through these [US] meetings is that there is an expectancy that is building. And I feel that revival has broken out among the different people groups of America; and it is needbed at the moment all over the world but especially in America,” he says.

One Comment

  1. Wonderful news, but I’d like to add that Europe, including England, is like a desert compared with the U.S..we are desperate for revival here. Please will someone invite Angus to a European tour? Wish I could, but sadly cannot. Please pray!

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