Burgersfort fired-up for soul winning after crusade


Pastors in Limpopo mining town Burgersfort are united and zealous for soul-winning after an eventful, 5-night open-air Gospel Crusade there last week, said In His Name (IHN) evanagelist Tamryn Klintworth.

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“The pastors are thrilled, eager to follow up the multitude of precious individuals who gave their lives to Jesus.They will contact each person, inviting them to church and beginning the discipleship process,” she said. One of the pastors said they will have to open new branches because of the number of new believers.

Cape Town-based Klintworth, who chose to follow a calling to evengelism above law after completing her LLB degree cum laude in 2007, said she was invited by local pastors to conduct the crusade in the town which has experienced drastic growth in recent years due to the development of the local mining industry.

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She said there were “astounding” healings and deliverances during the crusade, a few of which are documented on the INH website. Many people travelled from far to attend the crusade and slept in the ministry’s follow-up tent.

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“Truly, Burgersfort now knows that Jesus is the Saviour of this world! While the crusade itself took place over five nights, three mornings of the crusade week were set aside for a Fire Conference, designed to empower believers for evangelism. Consequently, not only have the lost been saved and captives set free, but local Christians have been equipped to continue the work,” she said.

She said that pastors of the local fraternal had worked together for many months to prepare for the crusade, resulting in great harmony among the Burgersfort churhes.

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