Burn 24-7 hosting #captured event at NMU campus

Worship movement Burn 24-7 is collaborating with student mission #captured’s first event of the year with a worship gathering at the Nelson Mandela University (NMU) North Campus Auditorium from 7.30pm to midnight on Friday February 16.

Jesus lovers from all over Port Elizabeth are invited to be part of this exciting event where organisers are trusting, that amidst the times of uncertainty in our nation, the gospel will capture the hearts of students and they will encounter the Father’s heart and love for them.

“Let our state and our hearts be #captured only by Jesus! Everyone is welcome at this event as we carry NMU in prayer and invite the Spirit of God to flood the campus in worship,” says Burn-24-7 PE.

And because worship fuels mission, they are also hosting campus outreach events on Saturday February 10 and Saturday February 17. Both events will start at 12pm in the vicinity of Xerox on the South Campus. For more details on these outreaches, contact Sheldon Zam on 061 876 9914.

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The Burn 24-7 movement combines worship, prayer and outreach to produce indigenous, creative, prophetic worship among people from every community.

“Regardless of denomination, we gather to cry out to God to see revival in our city, our nation and beyond. All across the world, burning ones are chasing the presence of God, our first love, and we’re joining that song here in Port Elizabeth.

“We believe that revival requires the unity of The Church, across denominations, ethnicities, ages and languages. This is an expression of covenant — we love because He first loved us – as well as an expression of mission, because worship, prayer and encounter are at the heart of the harvest,” say the burning ones of PE.

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One Comment

  1. We are the Burning Ones! Let us burn for His name, 24/7/365.