Buthelezi shares testimony, advice with thousands of young people at youth conference

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi speaking at the KwaSizabantu Yoith Conference

By Gerda Potgieter, Devoted Mag

Veteran politician Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, 94, addressed thousands of young people this week duing one of the highlight sessions at the KwaSizabantu Youth Conference which was held at KwaSizabantu Mission in Kranskop, KwaZulu-Natal from June 28 to July 5.

Buthelezi, who is a MP, founder and president emeritus of the Inkatha Freedom Party and traditional prime minister to the Zuly monarch and Zulu nation, shared his testimony of challenges and successes with his young audience.

He told them that he had to grow up without seeing his father too often and was raised mainly by his mother – something that many youngsters of today can identify with.

He said: “My mother was a devout Christian and she instilled in me the importance of living by biblical standards. I knew the fifth commandment, to honour my father and mother. I thank God for my mother. Through her example and her teachings, through her prayers and instruction, my own faith grew to become an anchor in my life. The faith that was birthed at my mother’s knee has sustained me for more than nine decades, through unthinkable trials.”

“The theme of the conference [Lift Jesus Higher] is perfectly chosen for a time such as this. But we know that all authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to God and that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. How then can we lift Jesus any higher?”  said Buthelezi.

He said that despite the many challenges that he faced as a youngster he kept believing in God’s plan for him, and that helped him to persevere. He encouraged the thousands of young onlookers to look to Jesus for a solution.

“What do we do when faced with a challenge? We lift Jesus higher. We look beyond the circumstances to the truth of Christ and what He is calling us to do. When God makes a promise, He always fulfils it. He has promised that you will thrive in what He is giving you if you will honour your father and mother. It is certainly worth doing,” he said.

KwaSizabantu youth conferences are uniquely focused on relatonal evangelism, with a carefully curated programme of services, interactive sessions, and sports during which attendees are equipped to share the Gospel wherever they are.

The mission holds youth conferences twice a year, every two years. Theyalso hosted two youth conferences last year and next year they will celebrate the first conference held at the mission station premises at Kranskop..

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  1. This is wonderful news. Of course a testimony is so valuable and powerful that I pray for all the youth to grow in God’s maturity for them.

  2. I am Pastor Lindy Belo I live in Pinksterpark strand I pray our youth of SA will stand strong for Jesus…in these endtimes…shalom