Call for 10 days Daniel fast of halaal products

halaalfastChristian Friendly Products (CFP) and Egeiro Ministry are calling on Christians to support a 10 days Daniel fast  from November 8 to 18, during which they will not buy, eat or drink any halaal products.

CFP is a South African non profit company that wants suppliers to display its label on their products rather than halaal labels which currently appear on more than 50% of SA food products and help to finance the spread of Islam. Royalties from CFP labeling will be used to support Christian mission organisations.

Explaining the Daniel fast call, CFP co-founder Etienne  de Jager says the idea was not his but God’s.

“I was not thinking of CFP or halaal when I was reading Daniel 1. I don’t even know why I was reading that because I am working through another area in the Bible, but I ended up reading it. I was a bit down that evening, tired and maybe a bit disappointed because we have spoken to many companies and found no real positive response. It felt that it was a spiritual battle that we are trying to fight in a fleshly manner. 

“After reading the Scripture in Daniel it really spoke to me. All belongs to God and nothing happens that He does not allow, but He wants people to humble themselves. This way any success of fighting halaal would only be accredited to Him and not our human efforts. Through the Bible we see that the large and significant battles were won by God fighting the battles for Israel.

“In this fast we are asking Him to fight this battle for us. That people will focus on Him and ask Him for a breakthrough in this battle that we cannot win. A time of not defiling us with the food from the earthly kings table, but to be like Daniel and his friends. We see in this Scripture how God blessed Daniel and his friends, because He could see their hearts.”

Click to join movement

Christians are asked to join the fast by reading and  prayerfully meditating on Daniel 1: 8 – 20, avoiding halaal products, and asking God to “save our nation from the grip of halaal trade”.


  1. Wonderik!!!

  2. Chris & Louise Spengler

    Praise the Lord. “for we battle not against flesh or blood but spirit forces in high places” I will most definitely be observing and I trust that every other SA citizen who pronounces being a Christian will follow suit.

  3. My wife and I as a rule generally avoid foods labelled halaal.

  4. we taking charge in the gates……. will no longer tolerate christians paying towards islamic Jihad with our hard earned dollars.

  5. I will try to support this by going on the fast. Tried to email it to me friends, but windows for adding details inactive. Can you send it to me as an email that I can just forward?

  6. Wow!! ThankQ for Your obedience of listening to G_D’s Spirit. PraYing that this will open our eYes as believers, for what’s reallY happening within the spiritual realm.

  7. I have stopped buying halaal foods some time ago. I welcome this idea. Wherever I can I compliment places like Spar who do not put the halaal label on their products. It is important to KNOW (the truth!)what the money collected from halaal is used for. As far as I know it goes to Saudi Arabia! The “Truth” is a strong and powerful weapon.

  8. Conrad van Eeden

    Will definitely support the cause. Just a question – McDonalds advertise on the website – don’t they sell food with the halaal label?

  9. I no longer buy halaal products and have asked a number of supermarket managers for non- halaal products which are hard to find in most stores. We need to boycott all halaal marked products – not just fast in protest. Government has permitted this practice – why are Christian leaders not challenging this in a committed way?

  10. I am very impressed with this initiative.
    We should stop being passive and take a firm stand. The true God – and there is only one true God – is on our side.

  11. Excellent initiative. I was shocked to see how SMALL the Halaal icon is – needed a magnifying glass to see it – how deceptive can they be! Maybe one needs to carry one with you to go shopping! Can’t we start a petition against it?