Call for SA Mighty Men conferences to “stand as one”

On a Mighty Men recce on Moreson Farm are (from left) Piperjames and Ina (MMC Western Cape), Ponnie and Ruthi (Karoo MMC) and Marie and Koos (farm owners).

Inspired by a fruitful week of collaboration with Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) leaders, the Mighty Men Conference Western Cape (MMC WC) has called for a drive to unite all MMCs in South Africa.

Executive members of the KMMC, Ruthi and Ponnie van der Merwe, spent last week in Cape Town, assisting the MMC WC with planning for its keenly awaited 2015 MMC from Friday, September 25 to Sunday, September 27.

“What a blessing this couple is!! We had a God filled and blessed MMC Western Cape meeting on Tuesday evening ending with the washing of feet of the committee members. Then on Wednesday we did a recce to Moreson, the farm where the MMC Western Cape will be held,” says Ina Murison-McGowan, head of MMC WC Public Relations. 

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“The one thing that really came to the front and overshadowed everything else, was the very unique ‘unity’ that the two Mighty Men gatherings have built up. A real and purposeful drive came out of this special relationship and experience and that was to unite all MMCs.

“Unity is what Mighty Men and the Conferences is/should be about. Unity means standing together as one to ‘fight’ whatever problem may arise. For if there is no unity then division brings a fall and we simply cannot achieve anything if everybody is just on their own doing their own thing.

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An aerial view of next year's MMC WC venue.
An aerial view of next year’s MMC WC venue.

“There is absolute strength in standing together — you can achieve more as a group than as individuals. One strand snaps, two is tough, three or more (besides being in His name and inviting the spirit of Jesus Christ in) is hard and nigh on impossible to break!” says Murison.

She says the MMC WC calls upon all Mighty Men across the country to unite and stay true to the vision of MMC founder Angus Buchan when he handed the baton to his spiritual sons in 2010.

Karoo MMC and MMC Western Cape have pledged to support each other and stand united, she says.

“While acknowledging that each of the regional conferences faces its own challenges our aim is to try and get the other conferences to join us in this one drive for Jesus!! Revival is now. Let the sparks be lit. Let the touch-paper towards the Beacons of light and hope for all ignite! Let the hills and mountains across this land glow and radiate with revival for all.”

She says the MMC WC men’s breakfast at Mike’s Kitchen on Saturday. October 11 was a great success with lots of time spent eating and chatting and simply getting to know each other. 

A gathering of Mighty Men and their families will take place at Moreson Farm (about 50km along the N7 from Cape Town towards Malmesbury) at 13:00 on Sunday, November 2. There will be a picnic on the farm after praying for the farmer and his family and for the land which will be next year’s MMC venue.

“When you look at an aerial picture of the farm you can see a large barn. This has drop covers all around and resembles the Tabernacle. At the far right end (away from the farmer’s house) is a stage. This is the Holy of Holies. There are four  moats surrounding the inner circle, which is the sacred praise and worship area. To get to this one must come across one of the four bridges.

“The Mighty Men will be camped in four  camps much like the armies of Israel camped around the Tabernacle when resting. This camp is also in sight of Table Mountain. More details to follow on the conference and more gatherings too.”

Other confirmed news is that Dewald Gouws will head up the Praise and Worship at the MMC WC 2015 And the new website will be launched soon.



  1. UNITY – yes !!! Ps 133 !!

  2. Awesome! Very Awesome! I look forward to MMC Western Cape. Blessings

  3. Mag die Here Jesus Christus elke tree met jul stap, Insig en Wysheid op jul pad wees. Soli Deo Gloria.

  4. God willing, Ill be there

  5. Morné Theunissen

    I look forward to this one. It’s going to be a huge blessing.

  6. Pingback: MMC Western Cape and MMC Karoo Unite!! - MIGHTY MEN - WESTERN CAPE

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