Call for WC Christians to participate in dedication of province to God

Cape Town City Hall facing the Grand Parade where the Western Cape will be dedicated to Jesus on November 10.

Christians in the Western Cape need to turn out in unity at the official dedication of the province to God in Cape Town on Saturday, November 10, says Pastor Barry Isaacs, chairman of Transformation Africa.

“As a nation we have drifted from some of the values of God and we are paying a price. There is a need for the church to make  a declaration, with one voice, of our allegiance to Jesus Christ,” he said.

The official Western Cape dedication gathering will take place on the Grand Parade, Cape Town, on the corner of Castle Street and Darling Street, from 14h00 to 18h00. It is the penultimate of a series of provincial dedications facilitated by the South African Prayer Movement for Change (SAPMC) and the Institute for Christian Leadership Development (ICLD) in response to the African National Congress’s dedication of South Africa to ancestors at its centenary celebrations in January. On December 2, at the final event in the campaign, Gauteng and South Africa will be dedicated to Jesus at a gathering at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

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South African flags
All Christians in the Western Cape are urged to support the provincial dedication gathering on November 10. Participants are asked to bring along as many people as possible, as well as a South African flag and a picnic chair if possible.

In an invitation that has been sent to many Christians in the Western Cape, the organisers of the gathering say: “The official dedication of the Western Cape Province to God is a united act of faith by the body of Christ in the province by which we express our total dependence on God. By this act, we shall present ourselves before the Lord bringing repentance for the many things that have offended Him in our province and nation, both past and present, and then dedicate our land, the people, the resources and all elements of creation in the Western Cape and South Africa to the Lordship of Jesus Christ both now and in all generations. It’s a united declaration by the body of Christ that we will serve no other gods.

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“The dedication of a nation to God is a serious and destiny deciding transaction.  It involves everyone within the body of Christ; representatives of each and every sector of society and all people groups of South Africa.  The future of the peoples and the resources of the land must be dedicated to the purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ in order that His Kingdom may come and His will be done in South Africa as it is in heaven.”

More information about the November 10 gathering is available on a Western Cape Dedication facebook page, which includes daily posts relating to a call for 12 days of fasting in the lead-up to the dedication of the province to God.

Contact people are:
Pastor Light Eze: 0737861410; 021 8296099; Email:
Pastor Barry Isaacs: 0826839347; 0217612140; Email:
Dr Wallace Mgoqi: 0840540092; 0219754655; Email:

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