Call to help get nourishing ePap to Christian victims of violence in northern Mozambique

Displaced and desperate — victims of violence in norther Mozambique (PHOTO:

Originally published in

The savage violence of Islamist militants in northern Mozambique is driving the local population from their homes in terror – and Christians are one of their main targets.

Beheading, skinning and cutting off the limbs of their victims are the group’s typical methods. “What they do to the people they capture and kill I have never seen anywhere in Africa,” said an expert. It is little wonder northern Mozambique is now called “the land of fear”.

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Nearly a million face severe hunger
Around three-quarters of a million people are displaced, that is, a third of the population of Cabo Delgado province where the militants operate.

Some fled to the bush. Some took boats to the regional capital Pemba and set up makeshift shelters on the beach. Some have found shelter with other families – families who have little enough even for themselves in this poor and underdeveloped country. The result is that almost a million people face severe hunger in northern Mozambique, according to the World Food Programme.

Many walked days to find a place of safety, arriving with swollen and injured feet. Families have often got separated in their hasty departure, sometimes in the middle of the night. Then there are those still trapped in the war zone because they could not reach safer areas – including many elderly, disabled and sick.

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ePap gives health to the hungry
Barnabas Fund is sending food, through Christian partners in Pemba, to some of the neediest displaced Christians. This includes ePap, a porridge containing protein, vitamins and nutrients to bring health to the malnourished and those trying to survive on rice alone.

God willing and with your help, we will send 25 tonnes of ePap from South Africa to Mozambique to provide more than 500 000 daily rations of ePap.

For a typical family of two adults, two older children and two infants, 250g of ePap a day would ensure they all have the nutrients they need. The average cost per person per day is only R2.50.

Just R450 will pay for 14kg of nourishing ePap including delivery to Pemba, enough to nourish a family for eight weeks.

To help, please click on the following link: DONATE NOW

One Comment

  1. LORD we have abundance in SAfrica …more than enough to help sustain LIFE and give to those without food
    Please fill your church here with tender mercies and generosity to give extravagantly to our neighbouring country
    Thank you Barnabas fund for your ministry to the poor….let Father open the heavens of blessing to you all
    We HOPE it will be like the feeding of more than 5000 …as you share the Goodnews with them as well
    Bless you good and faithful servants

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