Call to observe National Day of Prayer For Road Safety

Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele

The Minister of Transport, Sibusiso Ndebele has called on all South Africans to observe the National Day of Prayer For Road Safety tomorrow (November 18) by making time to pray for safety on our roads — particularly during the forthcoming festive season.

The day will be officially observed at the Boekenhoutkloof Traffic Training College in Pretoria. The prayer day will also  form part of observing the World Day of Remembrance For Road Traffic Victims on November 20,  to commemorate the approximately 1,3 million people who have died on roads around the world this year, said Ndebele’s spokesman, Logan Maistry.

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In an interview with Radio Tygerberg he said the department’s theme for 2011 was “From global remembrance to global action across the decade”.

“Let’s make 2011 to 2021 a decade to remember. Road safety is a key priority of the South African Government. However road safety is not only the South African Government’s responsibility. It is everybody’s responsibility.”

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He said that as part of the new national rolling enforcement announced by Ndebele on Spetember 10, 2010, from October 2010 to October 2011, 15 051 565 vehicles had been checked, 6 287 308 fines had been issued for various traffic offences, 21 575 drunk drivers had been arrested and 60 313 unroadworthy vehicles had been taken off the road.

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“As we head towards the December holidays, traffic law enforcement will be intensified and no mercy will be shown to any road user who disobeys the rules of the road,” he said.

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