Call to pray for persecuted Church on International Days of Prayer

Open Doors urges Christians to participate in its International Days of Prayer (IDOP) on November 4 and November 11 by interceding  for the persecuted Church and becoming ‘One With Them’ in prayer.

“Imagine the impact of millions of people, all praying on the same day for the same thing: strength and courage for those who share our faith, but not our freedom,” says OD on its IDOP webpage where it offers prayer resources and video clips that can be used to aid intercession.   

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Open Doors South Africa  will be hosting an international guest speaker who will  address public meetings during the IDOP period to share from the persecuted Church what it means to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus — through the storm, the joys, the pain and the victories. To find out more about an IDOP meeting in your area, you can e-mail or call 011 888 9341.

Churches are also encouraged to invite an Open Doors area representative to share testimonies from the persecuted Church with their congregation on one of the IDOP Sundays. Requests for a visit can be emailed to or made by calling 011 888 9341.

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