Can a nation be born in a moment? — Angus Buchan

Angus Buchan leads the crowd at It’s Time Pretoria in repentance and prayer.

A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer for Jesus, Angus Buchan

Isaiah 66:8 says it can, and I believe it happened on the afternoon of October 27 2018.

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What an incredible meeting it was in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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It was all about Jesus from the beginning to the end. He got all the glory, no one else!

We thank God for the excellent organisation, the amazing music team and for all the items that took place, but most of all we thank God for His Holy Spirit that gave us unction to speak the truth in love, without any reservation or apology.

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Our dear President Ramaphosa has been given a mandate, we believe from God. He has a simple choice to either listen to the voices of men, or to listen to the voice of Almighty God.

2 Chronicles 15:2 (NKJV), The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.

Now we trust that the Holy Spirit is working in his life and in the lives of his immediate advisers, and indeed in the government offices.

No more time to be casual with God’s Word
We are living in very serious times, there is no more time to be flippant, to be casual with the Word of God and to take our responsibilities lightly.

The Lord has clearly given us a mandate found in Mark 16:15 (NKJV), Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. This is not optional, this is the duty and the responsibility of every single believer.

We are believing for revival, which comes through the people. It does not come through leadership, or individuals.

The church is now mobilised and must fulfil its task in this nation and indeed the entire world.

We need to understand one thing very seriously, the Bible will set us free, but the Bible will also condemn us, because once we have heard the truth, we can never ever say to the Lord on the day of judgement that we never knew the way.

John 14:6 (NKJV) says, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

That is what we spoke about on October 27 2018; it was simple, it was from God and it is working.

A man wheels a cross in front of a section of the crowd at It’s Time Pretoria, providing a visual reminder of the salvation and new life that is found only in Jesus Christ. (PHOTO: Neziswa Kanju).

Acting upon the truth
As I write this column right now, we are receiving incredible feedback not only from South Africa, but from every corner of the world.

John 17:17 (NKJV) says very clearly, Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

We have heard the truth from God, and now you and I need to act upon the truth.

Having met with the VIPs directly after the meeting, I was so encouraged by their response.

I am talking about premieres of the different provinces and leaders of the respective political parties. Two kings were present and the Mayor of Tshwane/Pretoria, and many distinguished businessmen.

Each one of them without a doubt agreed that the only way that South Africa will move forward is when the Christians (which are about 80% of the population) will finally stand up and be counted.

Jesus is the light of the world and when light meets darkness, there is no doubt that darkness must move and be instantly repelled, because it says clearly in John 8:36 (NKJV), Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Sense of freedom and love
There was a tremendous sense of freedom and love towards one another at Rhino Park airfield.

Very rarely have I sensed such a holy presence, a seriousness, and an absolute concentration in that amazing heat and dust.

There was a gentle breeze, which was so refreshing, but the people were there for a purpose and that purpose was to pray to the living God to heal, to redirect and to give hope to a Nation that has been totally misled for so long.

So therefore, it is with great joy that I report back to you, that God is on the throne and indeed, He is moving on our behalf.

Please continue to watch and pray (Mark 14:38). Remember we said that watching is to observe, to pay attention, to be disciplined and to be ready.

Let us not be found like Peter, James and John sound asleep when the enemy comes.

Let us rather be alert, wide-awake, ready with our sword (the Word of God) in our hand and being ready for whatever God calls us to do.

May God bless you as we look forward to the new South Africa.

Angus Buchan


  1. How wonderful.Jesus Christ is King of South Africa and His followers, His disciples are coming together more and more as one body, singing His praises, glorifying the Father and opening up to the work of the Holy Spirit. South Africa sing a new song, a song of glory.

  2. I believe a nation can be born in a moment, Israel is a modern day miracle we have been blessed to see born in one day during my life time when on the 14 May 1948 Israel was re-established as a State and Nation. After over 2000 years in the “wilderness” Israel was born in a glorious moment .Today in SA we stand at the cross roads of history.The first turn is to travel on Gods ordained path and seek His Blessings.The second choice is to follow the ways of the world that lead to disaster, the third choice is to submit to political and social forces that naturally separate us from God’s will and purpose and Blessings,the last choice is to follow the general most dominant persuasions from all corners including the UN and others who’s motives are not God friendly. Coming back full circle I pray that our President will Seek the way of The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, that he will reconsider the current laws allowing abortion, same gender “marriage” just to mention two that oppose God’s will and that the president will lead our great country back to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  3. Yes, we want our wonderful South Africa to be led by brave and committed believers in Jesus our Saviour. Thank you!

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