Cape Town celebration of Feast of Tabernacles

Dancers at the D&J FoT 2015
Dancers at the Feast of Tabernacles worship celebration in Cape Town.

The David & Jonathan Foundation’s Feast of Tabernacles worship celebration took place over the weekend in Cape Town. It was a special time of non-Jewish and Jewish believers celebrating together as “One New Man in Christ” , which was Paul’s heartfelt desire in his letter to the church in Ephesus.

Held at the Logos Christian Church in Bellville on Friday (October 9, 2015) and Saturday evenings and Sunday morning, there was no charge for attendance but love offerings were collected for Messianic congregations in Israel. The main speaker was the D&J Foundation’s founder and developer of the Biblical Gardens near Paarl, Jack Carstens, who spoke on why Christians are encouraged to celebrate the Feast.

Annalee and Jack Carstens.

It is one of three times a year that God Himself calls on people to present themselves for an appointment with Him, and the Feast of Tabernacles at this time of the year is one where celebration is instructed, no matter the prevailing circumstances. It was a reminder of how Jesus fulfilled the Feasts and Christians look forward with expectation for Him to fulfil the Feast of Tabernacles by coming to tabernacle with them as Messiah and King.

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The theme, ‘The Spirit and the Bride say, Come!’ was vividly brought to life by a magnificent orchestra produced and managed by Annalee Carstens, and choir led by Gerrida Dickerson. Special guests included Colin Peckham’s renowned Cape Town Gospel Choir with vocalist Rouchelle Liedemann-Marais.

The Restoration Dancers with banners, candlelights and flags brought glorious colour to the worship which was enjoyed by more than 800 people. The event was backed up by a Display Hall featuring paintings by accomplished artists with their Biblical work, together with informational books and DVDs.

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A DVD was made of the Friday night celebration. Please direct your inquiries to the D&J office at 021 559 2958 or email

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