“Are you ready to stand in the gap and bring transformation to your city?” says Janet Bran-Hollis in this episode of Transforming A Nation podcast. View the podcast to learn how to approach the Court of Heaven on behalf of your city and experience the power of Identificational Repentance — […]
Prophetic Words
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Mammon and ministry — are we in ministry? Season 3: Episode 6
In today’s episode of the Transforming A Nation podcast, Janet Brann-Hollis speaks about money, a subject Jesus spoke much about. Timothy warned about the love of money and error.. what are the signs of us loving mammon more than God..? Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: The rise of true and false prophets : Season 3: Episode 5
“Who called Jeremiah to the prophetic office & function? We are experiencing the rise of the true and the false prophets, Understanding the basic foundational requirements of the office will protect us from the false!” So, says Janet Brann-Hollis in this episode of the Transforming A Nation podcast. Each week we publish […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Are you planning to leave your city? : Season 3: Episode 4
With so much migration happening worldwide, remember that God has a plan for you in your city. Why leave if you already know your purpose for that city? So, says Janet Brann-Hollis in this episode of the Transforming A Nation podcast, Each week we publish the latest episode of the […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Controlling Spirits of Slavery and Money Part 2: Season 3: Episode 3
In this episode of the Transforming A Nation podcast Janet Brann-Hollis says: “This two part series is for the shifting and repositioning of your call to administer Kingdom finance as a good steward… May you be shifted out of slavery into total freedom” Each week we publish the latest episode […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Impact of culture on financial status: Part 1 — Season 3: Episode 2
Our cultural heritage shapes our values, beliefs and behaviours – including those related to money management, says Janet Brann-Hollis in this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast. Some cultural norms might inadvertently hold us back from achieving financial freedom, she says in this first episode of a 2-part series. Each week […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Leadership of a nation: lessons from Daniel — Season 3: Episode 1
With the world continuously changing and its leadership becoming weaker and weaker, what kind of leadership is God releasing to counter this present generation of failed leadership? In this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast, Janet Brann-Hollis looks at how Daniel served as a Leader who marked the generations following him. […]
PROPHETIC WORD: Unlocking God’s glory through authentic intimacy
When Jacques Malan of Father’s Voice saw last week’s Gateway News report on a painting (Unlocking Africa) by a prophetic artist in Alaska, USA, he said: “I just knew I have to reach out to you on this one.” Below, he outlines a prophetic word and vision which he received […]
Word of the Lord for 2025 — Janet Brann-Holls
Church dynamics will change next year as the Spirit of God breaks out, bringing pockets of revival among certain churches and a new wave of prayer, says Janet Brann-Hollis in a prophetic word for 2025. The awakened Church will also offer the only answer to a great spiritual attack on […]
TRANSFORMING A NATION: Josiah as king of Israel and governor of Judah — Season 2: Episode 30
What was so different about Josiah’s leadership and how did he lead? How is he an example of a leader who led by the governing mandate on his life that led Israel out of idolatry into freedom? What were the outcomes for the people of Judah? Janet Bran-Holls answers these […]