Prophetic Words

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Are you being controlled by the political spirit? How to break free — Season 2: Episode 28

In this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast Janet Brann-Hollis talks about the activity of the Spirit of Herod in the world today and how to overcome it and rise up into your God-given destiny. Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast which can be viewed at the following YouTube […]

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Difference between Gospel of Kingdom and Gospel of Salvation — Season 2: Episode 26

The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of salvation are not two separate entities, says Janet Brann-Hollis in this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast. She says: “We have separated them, yet they are partners. God wants to advance His Kingdom through a revolutionary Gospel, with signs and wonders, the next […]

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Islamic invasion through terror (Part 2) — Season 2: Episode 25

In this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast, Janet Brann-Hollis reflects on on the strategies of terrorism against the Church and how we can stand and be counted! Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast which can be viewed at the following YouTube link:

TRANSFORMING A NATION: The rise of Islam and its influence on the Church — Season 2: Episode 24

In this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast, Janet Brann-Hollis focuses on the rise of Islam and the response of Christians to this growing power. Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast which can be viewed at the following YouTube link:

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Seasons are changing: how is God transforming His people— Season 2: Episode 22

Seasons are changing: God is empowering His People, He is interrupting the facades behind corruption and bad governance. So, says Janet Brann-Hollis is this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast.. Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast which can be viewed at the following YouTube link:

TRANSFORMING A NATION: Discussing Kingdom Culture (Part 1) — Season2: Episode 21

In this week’s Transforming A Nation podcast Janet Brann-Hollis discusses Kingdom Culture, addressing the question: “Did Jesus live out a culture that was ‘counter culture’ to His era! Each week we publish the latest episode of the podcast which can be viewed at the following YouTube link:

TRANSFORMING A NATION: The Ekklesia — a spiritual governmental people that influence the natural — Season2: Episode 19

In this week’s Transforming a Nation podcast, Janet Brann Hollis explains the function, and the impact of Jesus’s Ekklesia in the time of Herod’s Ekklesia.The spirit of Herodias enabled the Roman Empire to legislate and rule with an iron fist. This is the first of two parts on the Ekklesia. […]