
Good news for sports lovers — JP Flugel

But what is the true meaning of sport? Good day friends. Welcome to February’s edition of Team Talk. Let me begin by wishing Gateway News a happy 10th year anniversary. Congratulations to Andre Viljoen who is the founder and our editor. A man with vision and a heart to see God’s truth revealed […]

Israel Folau joins new rugby team, forbidden from talking about faith

Originally published in The Christian Post Israel Folau, an Australian rugby player who’s known for his outspokenness, has joined a new team but is forbidden from talking about his Christian faith. Folau, who was ousted from his contract with Rugby Australia last year over comments he made about homosexuality and […]

WATCH: ‘Vindicated’ Israel Folau settles with Rugby Australia

Originally published in Fox News Israel Folau, a Tongan-Australian Christian athlete who was sacked by Rugby Australia (RA) earlier this year for posting a Bible verse that was labelled “anti-gay,” says he feels vindicated after reaching an agreement with the organisation. The months-long battle for Folau centered on his Instagram post that said, “Warning: drunks, homosexuals, adulterers…hell […]