Middle East

Abbas: Decision on UN bid will take weeks, not months

By Reuters — originally published in Jerusalem Post Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday he expected the Security Council to finish debating his nation’s application for full UN membership within weeks, not months. His comments came as reaction to speculations that the Security Council could potentially sit on […]

US and Palestine headed for showdown over UN application for statehood?

By Nicola Menzie – Originally published in Christian Post As Palestinians officially kick off their bid for statehood recognition by the United Nations, a Jewish interest group is calling on President Barack Obama to stand firm with Israel and reverse his so-called “anti-Israel” stance. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said […]

Pastor in Iran awaits decision on execution

By Contact News Direct A pastor in Iran found guilty of leaving Islam awaits the outcome of a judicial investigation into his spiritual background to see if he will be executed or, if possible, forced to become a Muslim, according to Christian groups with ties in Iran. The court-ordered investigation […]

Why Abbas cannot recognize Israel as a Jewish state

By David Meir-Levi  — originally published in FrontPage Magazine Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demands that the Palestinian Authority recognize Israel as a “Jewish State.”  The Palestinian Authority’s President Mahmud Abbas refuses.  Netanyahu demands again and Abbas refuses.  Netanyahu tells the US Congress that if only Abbas would recognize Israel […]