Middle East

Landmark Iranian judgement: going to church does not make Christians ‘enemies of state’

Originally published by Assist News Service Ruling could see 9 Christians released from prison Iran has decided that belonging to a house church does not make Christians ‘enemies of the state’, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland. The charity reports that the country’s Supreme Court has ruled that nine Christian […]

Acquitted Christian couple fear for their lives

Originally published in Morning Star News A Christian couple acquitted by a high court in Pakistan fear for their lives as Islamic extremists have started a campaign calling for their murders ahead of their yet unconfirmed release from jail, sources said. The Lahore High Court on June 3 overturned the 2014 conviction […]

Tense quiet on Gaza border as ceasefire takes effect

Originally published in CBN News Gazans cheered in the streets as the ceasefire came into effect. Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya on Friday called it “a victory” to his movement. But like the three previous wars between Israel and Hamas, this one ended tentatively. Israel said it crippled Hamas’ terror […]

ICEJ stands with Israel, calls for prayer for peace

By Dr Susan Michael, USA director of ICEJ — Originally published in Charisma News A Zoom meeting this week of the global leadership of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was abruptly interrupted by the sounds of sirens as the international participants watched the Jerusalem-based participants run into their bomb shelters. […]