
UK lawyer to brief SA Christians on danger of anti-Christian laws

United Kingdom barrister Paul Diamond, who specialises in defending the rights of Christians in a culture that has become hostile to believers, will address  a church conference in Stellenbosch next week. Shofar Conference Speakers Other speakers at the conference  include the fathers of the modern worship movement Brian Doerksen (Canada) […]

US and Palestine headed for showdown over UN application for statehood?

By Nicola Menzie – Originally published in Christian Post As Palestinians officially kick off their bid for statehood recognition by the United Nations, a Jewish interest group is calling on President Barack Obama to stand firm with Israel and reverse his so-called “anti-Israel” stance. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said […]

Christians Divided on Bloomberg’s 9/11 Prayer Ban

By Jennifer LeClaire — Originally published in Charisma News New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office has announced that the principle ceremony marking the 9/11 terrorist attacks will exclude clergy and formal prayers. 

The move by city hall allows “moments of silence” and for families to share, but specifically excludes religious […]

Pastor in Iran awaits decision on execution

By Contact News Direct A pastor in Iran found guilty of leaving Islam awaits the outcome of a judicial investigation into his spiritual background to see if he will be executed or, if possible, forced to become a Muslim, according to Christian groups with ties in Iran. The court-ordered investigation […]