United Kingdom

Calls for Scotland to criminalise purchase of sex

Originally published in Christian Today A Christian charity is calling on the Scottish government to follow other countries in criminalising the purchase of sex.  CARE for Scotland is urging the Scottish government to push ahead with legislation that would target the demand side.  It accused the Scottish government of “dragging […]

Huge crowd fills streets of London in march against antisemitism

Originally published in Fox News Over 100 000 people marched through London on Sunday with a message of solidarity against antisemitism, marking one of the largest demonstrations of its type since 1936. The protest against antisemitism comes as the numbers of antisemitic incidents continue to rise following the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel by […]

Church of England votes to proceed with trial blessing services for same-sex couples

Originall published in The Christian Post The Church of England has decided to proceed with trial blessing services for same-sex couples. This decision, made during the General Synod, marks a significant shift in the denomination’s stance on same-sex relationships. The Bishop of Oxford proposed the amendment for these trial services, […]

UK ‘thought police’ strike again as pro-life volunteer fined for praying silently near abortion clinic

Originally published in Christian Today Police priorities have been questioned after a UK pro-life volunteer was fined for praying silently within an abortion clinic “buffer zone”. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was fined in Birmingham on October 18 despite being twice vindicated after previous arrests for praying silently in abortion clinic buffer zones. […]

Britain’s shameful betrayal: Christians to express their sorrow over detention of Jews in Mauritius-Charles Gardner

British Christians will soon be expressing their deep sorrow and shame for the detention on a remote island of Jewish people escaping Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. A commemoration and reunion will take place on the Indian Ocean territory of Mauritius from September 6-8, recalling the trauma experienced by […]