Change is here to stay — Angus Buchan

Who would have believed that the USA may soon have a new president?

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalms 20:7 (NKJV)

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If we are going to trust in anything else outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are going to be in serious trouble in these last days. Things are changing at such a rate that we cannot even keep up with it.

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Who would have said even 12 months ago that the whole world will be in total lockdown and in a complete state of fear?

We know that Jesus is not coming soon, “He is on His way”. But in the meantime, what are you and I to do?

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Well, the Lord’s promised us in John 16: 33 (NKJV), These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

So whether the Democrats or Republicans are in power does not affect the destiny of this world at all, because Jesus is ultimately in control. He is never ever caught by surprise and so we need to understand that.

Yes, we need to be responsible citizens. We need to take our full responsibility in this life and in our country, but at the end of the day it is all in His hands. That is what gives a Christian peace when the world seems to be going mad.

We don’t know what next year is going to offer us, but we know who is in charge of next year and THAT is what gives us the edge on those prophets of doom and gloom in the world.

I have never in my entire walk with the Lord been so excited as I am in this present moment, because I know that we are living in the Last Days.

We need to lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing very near. I would say to you keep short accounts with God and short accounts with man because we never know what day He will return to take us home to be with Him in glory forever.

But in the meantime we will be responsible, we will stand firm, we will shine as lights in darkness and we will have an answer for whatever questions come our way because the Lord Jesus Christ has told us not even to think about it, He will give us the words to speak at that time.

May Jesus bless you as you continue to trust Him and to watch and pray because change is here to stay.

Jesus bless you

Angus and Jill Buchan


  1. What a sane word about the US elections, after all the bitter campaigning and stubborn hanging on to power. God is the same, He is sovereignly in charge, and is working out His purposes. Thanks for this stabilising word, Angus. Come, Lord, Jesus!

  2. How I love the peace and truth of our all-powerful Saviour and soon-coming King preached with power! PRAISE Abba for the spiritual leaders in our precious country and the world. How they are standing with the Armour, the Word and the Authority from the King.

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