Christian Police Association leaders want to share love of Jesus with colleagues

Pic 225 - Leonie Peters (EC) Jan Swanepoel (WC) Selinah Kgaudi and Caroline Rygaardt (NW) - during praise and worship during the meeting.
Christian Police Association leaders worshiping God during their seminar last weekend. They are Leonie Peters (EC), Jan Swanepoel (WC), Selinah Kgaudi and Caroline Rygaardt (NW).

Leaders of the Christian Police Association (CPA) of South Africa who met at Floradale, outside Bloemfontein, last weekend, aim to make a difference in their colleagues’ lives by sharing the love of Jesus.

Policemen and -women from eight of the nine provinces in SA attended the CPA Leadership Seminar from March 13 to 16. The delegates who come from different churches and cultures noted that members of the South African Police Service are in dire need of spiritual help, motivation and support due to an extremely negative work environment in which they are physically, emotionally and spiritually worn down on a daily basis. This leads to all sorts of social and personal problems, it was noted. 

The CPA, which views itself as a spiritual family within the SAPS family rather than an organisation, believes it can make a difference in the lives of fellow colleagues. Police members have a hunger for real and true hope that is only found in Jesus Christ, they say.

members from the eight different provinces including our national management and provincial representatives.
CPA members from the eight different provinces including national management and provincial representatives.

The Leadership of the CPA aims to share the love of Christ with colleagues this year by means of support through prayer, motivation and inspiration. They also want to build bridges between local communities and police stations in various provinces.

The CPA is also involved in uplifting children in less fortunate circumstances as well as in Christian ethics training, which is also presented in 52 other countries worldwide. 

The CPA celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and wants to give all the glory to God for many wonderful testimonies that have surfaced since its inception. The CPA will host its 20th annual national congress in September in Pretoria.  National Christian Police Associations from Australia, England, America and other parts of the world have already confirmed their attendance. The congress will be a weekend of praise and worship with the theme:   “Jesus, the only Way”. 

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More information about the CPA can be obtained by calling the National Office in Bloemfontein at 051 – 430 8774 (work) or 082 542 7234.


  1. Pingback: Christian Police Association leaders want to share love of Jesus with colleagues - United News

  2. I thank our Heavenly Father for this beautiful family of God! May He carry us for the next 20 years. All the Glory and Honour and Praise belong to Him!!

    • Hey Leoni
      its so good to see you all pressing in and serving the Kingdom wherever you go.
      Blessings stef & Julia

  3. Good to see all the familiar faces again!

  4. ChristopherBlackwell

    Though they mean to do good in their own eyes, I know nothing that can cause more trouble in a work place than someone trying to aggressively preach their religion to their fellow workers. It gets even worse if the one preaching has a position of authority that puts them in control of the career of the person they are trying to convert. It is every bit as bad as bringing politics into the work place. Aggressive promotion of Christianity, or any other religion, does more to make people against religion than any other action in the work place. Workers have the right to believe in other religions, or in no religion under the South African Constitution. Christianity has no special rights in South Africa. You will attract more people by living your religion than talking about your religion.

  5. Whatever thing that is good and full of love, DO IT. I thank Good for you guys. In all spheres of our lives these days we need hope, family, support & love. If yu CPA can aid others get these, go for it. There is no coersion in what you are doing. Some ppl like Mc Donald some don’t. It is no harm to speak of and eat my Mc Do at work, school, home etc. Whomever wants to taste its goodness has that choice so is one who doesn’t. So I say, COME TASTE & SEE, THE LORD IS GOOD