Christian rugby star faces sack after social media post about sin, hell

Originally published in Premier News
One of the best rugby players in the world is set to have his contract terminated after posting a picture on social media with a warning to those who sin.

Israel Folau, who’s starred for Australia over the past six years, has often spoken about his Christian faith, regularly sharing Bible verses and messages on Twitter and Instagram.

Last year he received much criticism for telling a follower that God’s plan for gay people was hell unless they repent of their sins.

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His employer, Rugby Australia, had said his comments “did not reflect the views” of the organisation but added: “In his own words, Israel said that he did not intend to upset people intentionally or bring hurt to the game. We accept Israel’s position.”

His latest post (below) lists a number of different sins (homosexuality) and tells followers that “hell awaits”.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Rugby Australia and his club NSW Waratahs have released a statement criticising his comments.

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They say they have failed to get hold of Folau over the past 24 hours but now intend to sack him.

They said: “Whilst Israel is entitled to his religious beliefs, the way in which he has expressed these beliefs is inconsistent with the values of the sport.

“We want to make it clear that he does not speak for the game with his recent social media posts.

“In the absence of compelling mitigating factors, it is our intention to terminate his contract.”

Folau has previously defended his comments on the Players Voice website.

In a long article in which he talks about the basics of Christianity, he said: “People’s lives are not for me to judge. Only God can do that.

“I have sinned many times in my life. I take responsibility for those sins and ask for forgiveness through repentance daily.”

Speaking about his views on homosexuality and sin, he went on to say he was unprepared to “compromise my faith in Jesus Christ, which is the cornerstone of every single thing in my life”.


  1. Assie Van der Westhuizen

    Well done, Israel Folau!!! Hell is too horrible a place to be, and eternity far too long for that stay – each soul that we can cause to change direction, is worth the criticism and persecution!

  2. Well done Israel, we all need to stand up on the side of Gods word and not just let things slip under the rug. A spade is a spade.

  3. Sonia Odendaal

    This sin-sick world needs more brave and bold Christians like Israel Folau – too bad Rugby Australia does not allow their players to voice their personal beliefs on their personal media platforms – nowhere did Israel say he represents RA with what he said. The world does not want to hear truth. We are praying for you Israel!! May God bless you abundantly – stay strong!

  4. The truth will set you free…you are free Israel…

  5. We thank and praise God for Israels heartcommitment to the Word of God, standing and then declaring its truth, for the whole world to be challenged by the double edged sword….. we pray the Holy Spirit will convict many many people out of their sin and that Gods kindness would lead them to a genuine repentance before our Holy God! Very well done brother, God is extremely pleased with your bold declaration.

  6. Thank you Israel only God can judge you, not a sick society. Thank you for not bowing to the world, but stand firmly proclaiming your believes. May God be with you and protect you.

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