Christian TV Network influences Muslim viewers with Farsi dialect

Dr. Hormoz Shariat’s television network has expanded to reach Muslims through out the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. (Photo:

Originally published in The Christian Post.

His brother was executed by firing squad in Iran when he was only 16 for a minor political offense. But instead of taking revenge, Dr Hormoz Shariat decided to share the Gospel with Muslims and love them into the Kingdom of God.

Dr Shariat founded Iran Alive Ministries, which started as a church for Muslim background believers near San Jose, California. But now his television network has expanded to reach Muslims not only in the US and Iran, but also throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.

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Inspired by a passage in the Book of Jeremiah, “I will set my throne in Elam (Iran) declares the Lord,” they bring salvation to the lost, and promote practical training and Bible studies to Farsi-speaking people around the world.

Farsi is spoken mainly in Iran and Afghanistan, but also in other countries under Persian influence, and by those who migrated to other parts of the world.

The network estimates that 3.6 million people are watching their programmes. Since 2010, they have received 19 000 calls directly from Iran with questions about Jesus Christ, salvation, and requesting prayer.

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