Church leaders make urgent call for 22 days of prayer for SA

Against the background of the Marikana and subsequent crises a group of Christian leaders who met in Stellenbosch recently to listen to the Lord and to one another about the role of the church in South Africa have sent a statement called “The Church Speaks” to political, business, labour, church and other leaders.

The document which is released under the joint banner of the SA Council of Churches (SACC), The Evangelical Alliance of SA (TEASA), Kairos SA and other Christian groupings, notes that South Africa faces  a “ ‘kairos moment’, a special moment where we discern that God is speaking to us in particularly urgent tones, a moment that requires transformational leadership and action”.

The leaders have made an urgent call for for 22 days of prayer for the nation from December 3 to 24. TEASA have offered some prayer guidelines for the 22 days which have been timed to coincide with the ANC’S Manguang Conference.

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In a prayer newsletter this week, Jericho Walls Prayer Network reports that the leaders have also decided to hold an indaba in Gauteng from January 22 to 24, 2013. The focus of the indaba will be to develop a strategy to mobilise South Africans to reclaim the future of the country. An important part of the indaba will be to listen to God and to one another.


  1. Let us pray everyday for Mercy, Thanksgiving, and healing and deliverance from all evil.

  2. It is time for the South African church to call for an annual public prayer holiday, in honour of how vital God and prayer has carried us. I wonder who will see the vision with me. Watchman.

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