Church raises pro-vaccination banner stating ‘The Blood of Jesus will not save you from Covid’

A banner on the steeple of the Central Methodist Mission in Cape Town (PHOTO: News 24)

‘The Blood of Jesus will not save you from Covid’ says a large yellow banner that was raised last Thursday on the steeple of the Central Methodist Mission, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town.

“Get vaccinated. Protect our healthcare workers” continues the banner which forms part of the church’s “Yellow banner theology” campaign which it says aims to “engage the public on topical issues from a Gospel perspective”.

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Gateway News was alerted to the banner last Friday in emails sent by two readers who said they were hurt and offended by the church’s message. “This banner is not about the vaccine — it is a public declaration which states two blasphemous things: Don’t trust in the Lord during this very difficult time and the Blood of Jesus is to no avail. May God have mercy on the Church if we keep quiet in the face of such flagrant evil and deception,” said one of the readers.

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Public comments below two Facebook posts by the Central Methodist Mission about its banner, predominantly denounce the message of the banner, labelling it as blasphemous, unbiblical and satanic. Among those who comment unfavourably on the banner message are “a firm believer in vaccination” and a Johannesburg Methodist congregant.

In a Facebook post explaining the purpose of its latest “yellow banner”, the church, which is led by Rev Alan Storey, says that “refusing to take life-saving vaccines is a sign of foolishness, not a sign of faithfulnes”.

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Vaccines should be celebrated as a gift from God, yet some people promote “the false binary of: Faith in God or faith in vaccines” says the church post.

It says that through promoting Holy Communion as “Covid medicine” and statements such as “Jesus is my vaccine” and “because of the blood of Jesus Covid will ‘Passover’ without touching me or my family”, some pastors have applied religious pressure that “can tip a person over from vaccine hesitancy to anti-vaccination”.

“These false binaries may end up having deadly consequences because Covid cares less for one’s religion. Covid does not discriminate according to one’s belief. Since it is difficult to combat this belief without being perceived as attacking someone’s religion, it is important that religious institutions themselves do so. It is “Prayer and Vaccines”. Not, “Prayer or Vaccines,” says the post.

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  1. Michael John Higgs

    The binary is not only invalid in itself, it exists on account of two extreme positions, neither of which is acceptable as it stands. To say “Jesus is my vaccine” is presumptuous, probably blasphemous; and an allusion to the Passover involves false exegesis because it makes an untenable comparison. As a supernumerary (retired) Methodist minister, I find the Cape Town banner unacceptable, not because it is untrue, but because it tends to rob something extremely sacred of its dignity. I recognise that the superintendent and his leadership are anxious to counter propaganda that is wild and dangerous, and the explanations which were given are commendable. This shows that the poster was probably not the best way to go. Perhaps a brochure hand-out campaign, in which the issue was set out in greater detail might have been a more appropriate response.

  2. What a despicable comment to make. They supposedly represent the Christian faith, and are basically saying there is no power in the Blood of Jesus. I believe the vaccination has been proven to work, and will help. We cannot always fathom the Will of GOD. As Creator of the universe, HIS Power is paramount above all else. No wonder there is a falling away in the church, when demeaning observations are made about our Father GOD, and JESUS,let alone the Blessed Holy Spirit.

  3. I agree fully with Dennis Stirk
    I hope they don’t call themselves believers!

    Ian K

  4. Apart from the obvious and shocking blasphemy here, note that covid vaccine protection does not last nearly as long as natural recovered immunity (proven in Israel after 6 months you get 27 times better protection from broader natural God-designed immunity: So Israel have now rapidly rolled out 3rd jabs of Pfzier vax. Looks like it will now be 2x a year for life – $$$ for Pzifer!

    Even worse, the vaccines now failing spectacularly in the U.K. No need to shoot the messenger (website) because the results tables are taken straight from the UK government’s own very latest reports as reference for you to verify:
    And don’t even get me started on all the horrific injuries and deaths (blood clots, myocarditis, etc) from these “vaccines” so far, for which the references are legion and personal horror testimonies if you look beyond the bought and paid for mainstream media.

    Please note that I am very far from being “anti-vax”in general. I have had vaccinations for yellow fever, cholera, smallpox, hepatitis A, rabies, etc BUT all of those were successfully and fully tested for safety, effectiveness and length of protection over at least 10 years before a single shot was given to me. By contrast, these current jabs are still under official trials until at least 2023 and even then there will still be ZERO data on long term safety and effectiveness for even 5, let alone 10 years. If you want to be part of a global clinical trial be my guest, but I will stay in the control group relying on the grace of Jesus and my God-given natural immunity boosted by vitamins D, C and zinc. If I get covid symptoms, I’ll add quercitin, ivermectin and few other readily available therapies at home according to symptoms. The tragedy is that almost no-one (vaxed or not) would need to end up in hospital, much less die, if these well-known simple, cheap and proven home therapies were used early on every covid patient instead of being suppressed by corrupt regulatory authorities in the pockets of pharma companies. This strategy has been conclusively proven in the Indian state of Utter Pradesh where Covid deaths have plummeted since govt rolled out these early home treatment kits, as well as in several latin American countries.

    Given all of the above it is more than irresponsible for a CHURCH (!!) to coerce people in this manner into taking an experimental jab of unknown safety and dubious benefit. Shame on them for spreading such lies. (Did Pfizer write them a big cheque for the building fund….?)

  5. Effective treatment for covid is no secret. Here it is shared in multiple languages by dedicated specialist with extensive front-line treatment experience who put people before profit:

  6. The fact that human fetuses were used in the development and with some in the manufacture of the quackccines is lost on these church leaders, as are the poisons contained in them, most of which are highly toxic to the environment let alone humand or are simply untested – just go look up the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS of any of the main ingredients and you will be horrified as you should be if you research the CDC’s own VAERS – Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems in the USA or the government Yellow Card system of ” vaccine” adverse events in the UK and see the millions of injuries and thousands of deaths already reported. It’s a horror show, all the while the media and health authorities suppress what is going on and continue to suppress information on safe and highly effective treatments like Iva-mectin and more. Go look at the FLCC web site – the Frontline Critical Care Alliance to find out more about early treatments.

    To think that a church can be applying phycological pressure on its congregation to take part in these experimental shots is diabolical to day the least and those responsible only show just how far they have fallen from God’s mission.
    Shame on them.

  7. I actually saw that banner the other day, but being next to Green Market square, I just assumed it was some Government paid advertising spewing more of their propaganda and that the church must be defunct, as it sounds like it is something an atheist would write not a Christian, let alone a parish. How horrific, I think whoever was responsible for this poster needs to go back to ministry school.

  8. What a blasphemous statement…… If I were a member of any church, and such a statement was put out, I’d walk away never to return. I was raised Methodist but left for personal reasons. Congregants are the folks that fill the coffers of a church, so this way folks can ensure closure os the doors a seek a place that still preaches the TRUTH. There’s chorus that rings….. “The Blood of Jesus will NEVER loose it’s Power” Now ministers are turning the truth….. So, what are these “churches” about….. May God have mercy on them….. ?

  9. Thank you for your courage to put up the banner!!!. We as doctors pray for an outcome and we believe that God will give us the best…and He gives us the Vaccine. Please read scientific data and listen to our top medical experts in South Africa, stop the spread of Covid and help us. Billions of doctors all over the world pray and believe in God and we are responsible for you if you end up in ICU. The medical staff are exhausted!!!
    Thank You Jesus our Lord, for the Covid-19 Vaccine!!!!!

  10. Absolutely disgraceful, but an attitude that was predicted nearly 2000 years ago. Read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. This sums it up in a nutshell!! I hope somebody gives that preacher a ‘snotklap’… he is one of those asleep! Politics and Religion should never be mixed. This is a political statement of note. God loves the unvaccinated and the vaccinated.

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