Originally published in For SA.
Following news reports of a pastor who sprays his congregants with insecticide, claiming that it will heal them of their sicknesses, a group of 99 major denominations and churches in South Africa have issued a Joint Statement repudiating the actions of this self-styled “Prophet of Doom”.
Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) delivered the Joint Statement to the CRL Rights Commission, which is calling for the broad-scale regulation of religion in SA, on Tuesday November 22 2016.
The statement reads: “We, the undersigned churches and denominations, repudiate in the strongest possible terms both the claims and the unlawful actions of self-styled Prophet Lethebo Rabalago of the Mount Zion General Assembly in Limpopo.
“While we believe that the Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ healed people of all manner of diseases and ailments during His earthly ministry, He always did so in a way that protected their dignity as human beings made in the image of God.
“On no occasion did He act in a way that caused physical harm to people or further endangered their health. As such, these reported actions are completely contrary to both biblical teaching and practice.
“Furthermore, spraying a known toxic liquid over another person, and thereby causing them physical harm, is both unlawful and illegal. We therefore call upon the Government to exercise its powers to ensure that this action is reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities, to ensure that its perpetrator is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
“We also call upon the victims of these (and similar) acts to withdraw their support from those whose practices and teachings are in no way a reflection of true biblical Christianity.
Signed by the Denominations and Churches listed below:
- African Independent Churches’ Development Programmedu (AICDPedu), representing Counsel of African Instituted Churches (CAIC)
- Apostolic Faith Mission of SA (AFM)
- AFM, Calvinia
- The Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in South Africa, with its 1000 member Churches (APCCSA)
- Assemblies of God (AOG)
- Assemblies of God, Kwa Thema
- Baptist Union of Southern Africa
- Bloemfontein Ministers Fraternal BMF
- The Brook Tabernacle
- Builders in the Spirit Ministries
- Cape Synod, Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA)
- Cedar Branch Church, Port Elizabeth
- Central Community Fellowship
- The Centre for Public Witness
- Christ Church Tygerberg
- Christian Family Church, Pretoria East
- Christian Life Ministries, Edgemead
- Christian Revival Church (CRC)
- Church of England in South Africa (REACH SA)
- The Church of Pentecost, SA
- Church of the Nations
- Church on the Way AOG, Summerstrand
- Common Ground Church
- Cornerstone Church, Johannesburg
- Cornerstone Community Church, Durban
- Damascus Road Ministries
- Doxa Deo
- The Dutch Reformed Church
- Dutch Reformed Church in the Eastern Cape
- El Bethel Ministry
- Evangelical Bible Church, Ennerdale
- Evangelical Bible Church, Florida
- Evangelical Bible Church of Southern Africa (Greenhaven) and Evangelical Bible College
- Evangelical Bible Church of Southern Africa (EBCOSA), Port Elizabeth
- Evangelical Bible College, Strandfontein
- Everynation Churches in SA
- Fellowship of Community Churches
- Forward in Faith Church in RSA
- Fountain Scroll Ministry
- Fountain Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Port Elizabeth
- Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA)
- GFL Ministries, Roodepoort
- The Global Reconciliation Church, Bloemfontein
- God’s Tabernacle Christian Family Church
- Grace Evangelical Bible Church, Lotus River
- Glory Life Church
- Grahamstown Christian Centre
- Hatfield Christian Church North
- Haenertsburg Christian Church
- Harvest Celebrations Church, Bloemfontein
- Harvest Christian Church, Port Elizabeth
- Hebron Community Church, Port Elizabeth
- Heron Bridge Community Church
- Higher Life Centre
- International Ministers Fellowship (SA Chapter)
- Iron Sharpening Iron Ministry
- Jesus Calls Worship Centre, Randburg
- Joshua Generation Church
- Kairos cfci Kyalami
- Karoo Community Church, Graaff-Reinet
- KCF Church
- Kingdom Citizenship Agency
- Kingdom House of Dominion
- KZN Church Leaders Council
- Lighthouse Ministries
- Light the Fire Ministries
- Limpopo Pastors Forum
- Living Waters Church, Sabie
- Maranatha Community Church
- The Methodist Church of Southern Africa
- Midrand Eastrand Ministerial Forum
- Montrose Park Bible Church
- Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA)
- New Covenant Church Midvaal
- Nico Claassen Global Outreach
- Northcliff Union Church
- Oasis in Christ Ministries
- Peniel Outreach International
- The Pentecostal Protestant Church
- Pillars of Fire Ministries
- Port Alfred Baptist Church
- Povertybreaker Prayer Academy
- The River Church, East London
- Restore-A-Nation
- The SA Council for the Protection and Promotion of Religious Rights and Freedoms (CRRF)
- Sedgefield Christian Church
- Sola 5
- St Francis Xavier Anglican Church, Kabega Park
- St Katharines Anglican Church
- Truevine Family of Churches
- Turn2God Ministries
- Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa, Central Cape Presbytery
- Valley of Miracles Ministry International
- Victory Ministries International
- Vineyard Churches SA
- Word Center Ministries
- Word Center Ministry, De Deur
- Word Centre Ministries, Ekurhuleni
- Zoe Bible Church”