#Churchesmustmeet! petition launched

Cape Town church leaders Demitiri and Karen Nikiforos have launched a petition calling on President Cyril Ramaphosa to reopen churches in South Africa.

In an email to Gateway News Demitiri who leads New Life in Christ Church in Cape Town says the petition campaign aims to unite with Christians and church leaders throughout South Africa under the banner of “#Churchesmustmeet!”

He writes: “In this season of Covid-19 we believe that the church has a greater role than ever to play in the spiritual well-being of our nation.  While the pandemic has affected people’s physical health, the national lockdowns have had a far heavier toll upon people, families and communities.  Going into 2021 many South Africans are yearning for normality and are struggling to cope spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  In the first few months of lockdown the divorce rate climbed by 20% and close on 1800 South Africans tragically ended their lives.  We believe that God has made his church on earth a spiritual healing balm for such a time as this. We are the light of Christ that shines with salvation, life and hope in the darkness.  

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“For this cause we are uniting with Christians and church leaders throughout South Africa under the banner of “#Churchesmustmeet!”  With one voice we are appealing to our president to allow churches the freedom to regather in 2021.  We desire that all Sunday and weekly meetings will be resumed so that churches can once again effectively minister to the needs of people and communities.  While online meetings have been possible these cannot substitute public church gatherings. In Matthew 5:14 Jesus declares that we are a city on a hill that should not be hidden. 

“A petition to President Ramaphosa from the church in South Africa has been started.  We are now appealing to all Christians and church leaders to stand together and sign this “Churches must meet” petition. It is located on the Change.org website and will be presented to the president once there is a high number of signees. Please share the link on your social media groups, use the hashtag #Churchesmustmeet and pray that this will restore our God-given freedom in 2021.  Together with God all things are possible! 
Link to Petition here: http://chng.it/KnYBJKYMPt
Demitri Nikiforos New Life in Christ www.NewLife2U.com C: 0671344864″

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