Comfort in His companionship

[notice]A monthly column by farmer, preacher and writer  for Jesus, Angus Buchan[/notice]

If we look at The Word of God in Nehemiah 9:21 (NKJV) it saysForty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell.”

We need to spend more time with Jesus. He desires to walk with you and with me. As we see the climax of the ages coming to fulfilment and the coming of the Lord is imminent, we really need to get direction from God. We need to stop resisting the Lord and hardening our hearts like the Israelites did in the desert. Every time the going got tough they complained and moaned at Moses. They even tried to stone him on an occasion, because things were not going well, instead of looking at their Lord. As a result it took them 40 years to get to the Promised Land when they could have gotten there in a number of weeks if they walked in a straight line, but the Lord had to take them around the mountain in order to chasten them, because he loved them.

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Let us allow the Lord to lead us as He did with the children of Israel and we will lack nothing. In this day and age when nothing is sure, when all things are questionable we need the comfort and the compassion of Jesus Christ and to trust in Him alone.

As I grow older I realise more and more at the end of the day it is your personal relationship with Jesus Christ that will see you through. It is not a church body, it is not a specific man and it is not an experience. It is a friendship and companionship with the Son of God that will enable us to finish strong and not to crumble as we see things starting to get harder and darker in the world. If you just read the Book of Revelation you will see clearly that these things are coming to pass before the Lord’s return.

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If we walk in companionship with Him, He will direct every step of the way and we will have nothing to fear. I personally have never been so secure in God as I am at this moment and yet I am facing mountains like I have never faced in my entire life before, but He has promised that He will never leave me and He will never forsake me! (Hebrews 13:5). We just need to be sure that we do not leave Him. By getting up every morning early, having your quiet time with God will ensure that your day will go well.

May God bless you as you continue to read The Word, to pray, to spend time in His presence and develop your companionship with Him, you will not fail.



  1. Thank you “Oom Angus” for your encouragement that does not deviate from the straight and narrow path. Thank you too for: being a clear channel of the Lord’s word and will; for telling it as it is.

  2. Angus we first met at the Grahamstown Commemoration church in Oct 2006,which happened to be my birthday.You encouraged me to attend the 2007 MMC meeting at Shalom.I thank you for the inspiring work you are doing for Our Lord. I made a Christian commitment in Jan 1984,and continue to witness God’s miracles both great and small.As Reinhardt Bonnke has been want to say,Africa will be saved,even in the last days of Jacob’s Trouble.

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