Cope merges with Christian party

COPE leader, Mosioua Lekota (left) and Pastor Tebogo Rakgabyane, the leader of the National Republican Party.
COPE leader, Mosioua Lekota (left) and Pastor Tebogo Rakgabyane, the leader of the National Republican Party announcing their merger. (PHOTO: Sowetanlive)

Originally published in

The Congress of the People (Cope) on Thursday announced that it has merged with the National Republican Party (NRP).

The announcement was made in Johannesburg by senior leaders from both parties among them Mosiuoa Lekota of Cope and Pastor Tebogo Rakgabyane of NRP.

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It was mentioned that talks to establish this union went on for more than two months. It was also announced that the merger was triggered by the ruling party’s inability to address issues of poverty, unemployment and other challenges faced by majority of South Africans.

Lekota said the merger will make a meaningful impact especially during the election process.

“Those votes can make a change in a province and in a locality. More importantly is that the individuals and the number we are talking about represents a far bigger number of poor. These people are family people, community members and they will extend their influence,” said Lekota.

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NRP is a Christian organisation and is reported to boast a membership of 1800.

“There’s much talk in our day about the need for character but few are able to identify and articulate the source of Godly character. The fruits of which, integrity, honesty, courage and the like are becoming more and more difficult to find in this country,” said Rakgabyane.

“There’s only one source of this character, and it is found in a personal relationship with Christ. He alone is the provider and perfect example of character and only he can transform a lying man into an honest man.

“I believe some of our leaders today in government actually need him so that they can stop lying and tell more of the truth,” he added.

“Many Christians would say Jesus was not involved in politics, he also did not tell his followers to join any specific political party or movement. But if we look at Jesus’ stand in his day we would see that he took quite an extreme political position.

“He basically challenged the existing order by announcing a new government that is the kingdom of God and he himself as head of it,” said Rakgabyane.


  1. God is moving in our country. He has heard our prayers. Christians are uniting and speaking His word with one voice. There is more an more evidence of this. Continuous prayer for Church unity is needed.

  2. A small but significant merger. It shows flexibility rather than personal ambition, and this is good. May I question the statement, which most Christians promote, that “There’s only one source of this character, and it is found in a personal relationship with Christ… and only he can transform a lying man into an honest man.” If this is true, then we should expect to find pure truth in Christians, and pure lies in non-Christians. This is obviously not the case. In God’s common grace, there are many unbelievers who are upright people of integrity. There are some unbelievers, people of other religions, who are more honest than many Christians. Sad but true. Paul noticed that some believers cause the pagans to blaspheme God. Sad but true. In politics, we’ve seen ‘Christian’ governments do evil things and oppress people, while there are counties where heathen governments are more kind, just and righteous. Let’s careful that we do not make untrue sweeping statements when trying to defend ‘Christian” positions.

    • Hugh G Wetmore, the mixture of truth and error in the this newly merged political party almost matches the confusion of your own comment. Even Bob Dylan’s 1963 drug infused song, With God On Our Side, makes more sense. Shalom.

  3. Political parties combination.There’s much talk in our day about the need for character but few are able to identify and articulate the source of Godly character. The fruits of which, integrity, honesty, courage and the like are becoming more and more difficult to find in this country. I believe the Cope president has done ZERO for the soldiers when he was the Minister of defence. To come now and combine with a Christian Party is wrong, immoral, dishonest,ect. He must publicly repent to all soldiers.It is wrong if a Christian Party accept the devil in their group. We should fight it!!!!!

  4. Thanks for your comment, Patrick Rish. I’m confused by your quote “With God on our side.” God does not side with any human party, He is on His own side. He defines the Values which He will bless, and these Values flow from His own character. Jer 9:23,24 (and hundreds of similar Scriptures) give me the basis for saying that God will bless anyone who practices Kindness, Justice and Righteousness, in a Humble spirit. KJR in H. If a professing Christian party does not practice these Values, it is not delighting God. If a non-Christian party practices these Values, God is pleased. NOTE: we are discussing human government, not eternal salvation (which operates in another dimension, centred in Jesus Christ.) Most Christians confuse these spheres. Can Christians have unhappy marriages? Yes. Can non-Christians have happy marriages? Yes. A happy marriage depends on practicing God’s principles for marriage, not on whether one is saved or not. The same applies to physical fitness, plumbing, medicine – and, yes, government. Align with God’s principles of fitness, plumbing, medicine – and government, and you will succeed. Whether you are Christian, Hindu or Atheist. I hope I have cleared your confusion.

    • Indeed, Hugh G Wetmore, rather let me help you out of your confusion. Bob Dylan’s song, ‘With God On Our Side’, should not confuse you. If you took the time to look up the lyrics you would appreciate that they agree with your sentiments that God does not align Himself to any political “human party”. But what on earth is a Christian party ? I understand the term ‘a politician who is a Christian’, but I see absolutely no Biblical mandate for either a Christian party or a Christian government outside of the kingdom of God. In fact, I see Jesus warning against it. I agree that everyone is entitled to good human governance, and I’m no dualist, but a large part of the problem in this country is that the majority of it’s people are still looking for ‘human messiah’, or something or someone who will deliver them from their misery. And just when that false hope seems to be fading, we’re now going to start offering them an assortment of ‘Christian parties’!
      But it your comment, “May I question the statement, which most Christians promote, that “There’s only one source of this character, and it is found in a personal relationship with Christ… and only he can transform a lying man into an honest man”, that needs to be challenged for the untruth it is. Nearly 70% of our country’s population claim to be Christian. Their claim is based on their confusion that because they are not Muslim or Hindu, they must be Christian. Some, however, make this claim because they go to church, or because they were born into a Christian family. They lie, cheat, steal and even murder, though they claim to be Christians. But Hugh G Wetmore has an explanation for this, which is that the new life which Jesus sacrificed for us at Calvary is not the answer, and that His sanctifying work in the life of true believer is not sufficient. That’s just not true. Furthermore, regarding non-Christians (including ourselves before we were born again), my Bible tells me that to God, “we are all like an unclean thing, and all our unrighteousnesses are like filthy rags”. Furthermore, it says that no liars will inherit the kingdom of God. Sure, we Christian make mistakes and sometimes mess up badly, but those who practise sin are certainly not Christians, Hugh G Wetmore, don’t be confused.

  5. samuel H Kennedy

    I read this post in absolute amazement & disbelief to see a supposed Christian party merge with a secular humanist & liberal political entity.This is in fact an antithesis to Christendom & is pagan. What has the Christ to do with satan!!!And to see professing Christians clap in the gallery to nonsense & folly is diabolical & nauseating!Stick to Scripture!Jesus Christ is the Only Lord,Amen.

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