Crammed with Heaven: It’s time to commission the artists

A monthly column in which Jenni Pretorius Hill shares stories of hope which bring Heaven’s perspective to Earth

My daughter is gifted in making cards: the old-fashioned kind – on card or paper that can be slid into an envelope and attached to a gift. But these are a lot more special than the bland, impersonal store-bought ones, because each one is unique, inspired by the character of the recipient. They’re the sort of card that a person will tuck into a drawer or box reserved for precious things, not just because they’re beautiful, but because they communicate something affirming, encouraging – words or design that you want to hold close when you need to be reminded of your worth. I believe they hold something of Heaven, because when you open them, you feel loved, and seen and known. 

PHOTO:  Diwei Zhu/

When God commissioned the construction of the Tent of Meeting in Exodus 31, he anointed craftsmen with divine ability to create beautiful things.The Scriptures tell us they were gifted in skills ranging from stone masonry to embroidery, and when they had completed the job, the thick, weighty glory of God filled the tabernacle. It’s an intriguing story; the Creator of Heaven and Earth partnered with the artistry of humans to create a habitation for His presence.

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All acts of creation are incarnations. Artists and creatives make manifest what exists only in the mind, or the imagination, or in the spirit realm. They take of what is visible to themselves only, and make it plain for others to see and experience.The opening ceremony of the Olympics was obscene because the violation and mockery of values that we hold sacred was thrust in our faces in a way we could tangibly see and feel. Suddenly, a debauched, anti-Christ ideology (which is nothing new) was flaunted to our senses, and for many of us, for the first time, we have had to confront the reality of the world we live in. We can either rage, withdraw or recognise it as a clarion call to the Church to wake up.

I think it’s time we commissioned the artists. If God anointed the craftsmen of old to create a place for His dwelling, how much more does He want to release and anoint artists who, through their work, will create habitations for His presence today? Imagine an army of artists, so infused with glory and so secure in their identity, that whatever they produce, carries the presence of their Creator and invites people into an encounter with Him. 

For many creatives, the environment of the Church is a graveyard. Frustrated by the confines of archetypes (doves and crosses) and misunderstood by the religious, they have fled to the world to explore and experiment. One of the best-selling music artists of all time, Katy Perry, confessed leaving the Church because it was more judging than it was loving. Whether her comment is fair or not, I have met many creatives who will attest to this. And what a great tragedy! Artists are cultural architects; they don’t just hold a mirror to society, but they create it too.Think of the Tunisian rap song that sparked the Arab Spring in 2010, or William Turner’s The Slave Ship that added strength to the cry of abolitionists; artists are often the catalysts for revolution and reformation. It’s time for Christian artists to take up their mandate to inform and shape culture; pens, paintbrushes and performances, melodies, movement and rhythm, are more powerful than protests, arguments on social media, and screaming ideology. 

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‘The Slave Ship’ by William Turner

I’ve met some Jesus-loving creatives who have burst from the doors of the Church to leave Heaven’s mark on the world. I have a playwright friend who challenges social and environmental injustice in funny theatrical productions that are staged at schools and venues throughout our city. I met a writer recently who, after 20 years of having doors closed in her face, and stuffing drawers with rejected manuscripts, will finally see a fantasy novel published by one of the biggest traditional presses in London and circulated around the world. A musician friend is trending on social media as influencers in South Africa are picking up on his productions and circulating them on their platforms. Do they talk about Jesus? Do they preach the Gospel? No, not overtly. But they are sons and daughters who have Him living on the inside and resting on their shoulders; He is the one who directs and leads and anoints. Like my daughter in her card-making, they offer people something much more than an excellent piece of art; they make tangible what is not – the excellence, the creativity, the beauty and the hope of Heaven. 

There is so much beauty in the world! Creation bears witness to the astonishing creativity that lies within each of us – men and women made in God’s image. We are His masterpieces, the crowning glory in His design, and unblemished vessels for His glory to inhabit. 

I think the stage is set, and the curtains open for Christians to step into the spotlights.

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