Creation Gospel teacher, Hollisa Alewine, in South Africa

Dr Hollisa Alewine.

Bible teacher and author Dr Hollisa Alewine will be in South Africa from October 9 to October 25 to teach on the Creation Gospel, a framework of the Bible whose key concepts and symbols are found from Genesis to Revelation.

“She is a teacher of the deeper things of God,” says Colleen Martin who is coordinating Alewine’s teaching tour which takes in Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Cape Town and George.

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Through the Biblical symbols she teaches and elaborates upon the concepts and themes found in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses), the Psalms, the writings of the Jewish prophets and the New Testament. 

leaflet promoting Allewine’s teaching tour of SA says: “The 7 days of creation in Genesis 1 lay the foundation for so much in Scripture including the 7 churches in Revelation. If you want to understand the end you have to understand the beginning because in Isaiah 46:10 it says our Father is ‘declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things are not yet done’.

“Genesis and Revelation are bookends and if you understand what is revealed in Genesis you will understand what is revealed in Revelation, says Hollisa.”

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Dr Alewine has her B.S. and M.Ed. from Texas A&M and a Doctorate from Oxford Graduate School. She is the author of Standing with Israel and The Creation Gospel workbook series.

Her SA itinerary is:
Pretoria on October 10 – 11
Bloemfontein on October 13 – 15
Cape Town on October 17 – 18 
George on October 23 – 25.

More details are available from Colleen Martin at or 044-8732730 or 083 6567 828. The deadline for registration is September 11. No late registration will be available at the venues. 

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